Life Lately + Weekending
How the heck is it already August??? I know, for a fact, we were just starting July a few days ago. And then I blinked.
Y’all, life has been crazy this summer. It seems that we live and breathe Barnabas X and Rwanda now {we are about 5 weeks out from our trip…eek!}. Almost every waking second is devoted to planning our trip or our next fundraiser, writing thank you notes, countless emails {and much more}. I’m not complaining, just explaining. Explaining why I’m not here as much as I would like to be. Explaining why it takes me a week or more to respond to comments and read all of my favorite blogs. Many evenings, it comes down to working on my blog or helping Cory and Cory normally wins. Life has been so crazy, in fact, that I completely missed by first blogiversary. How does that even happen?? I had big dreams of doing something anything to celebrate but that’s out the window. #smh
I know it sounds as if I’m complaining but I promise that I’m loving every second of this crazy journey Cory and I have been on the past six months. Our lives have been completely flipped upside down since taking over Barnabas X but we have some incredible people that are holding our hands along the way. We are so blessed to have family and friends {new and old} to support us, love on us, pray for us but most importantly believe in us and the work we are doing.
I’m sorry I sound like a broken record but I really do love this blog and it hurts me to neglect it. Hopefully after our trip in September, I can get back to blogging full force. Until then, I’ll keep chugging along!
Okay…enough with the boring stuff and onto life lately…
One of my favorite views. We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the state.
Hampton is just over it.
My home “office” {and Hampton’s face!}
Congrats on graduating, Christine! We are so proud of you!
I picked up my first L’oreal Infallible eye shadow Thursday after work, thanks to the recommendations of Mia and I love it! I got Amber Rush and have worn it every day.
Now onto my weekend…
Friday | My mom posted this picture of Lake Louise. I was stuck at work and my family was enjoying this beautiful scenery. Canada will probably be on our list of trips for 2015!
After work, we headed out for dinner and movie with some friends and discovered Papas & Beer, the best Mexican food I’ve ever had! I had chicken enchiladas with some kind of white sauce and it was topped with pineapples. Yum! After dinner we headed to see Guardians of the Galaxy. It was good, pretty funny and I enjoyed it.
Saturday | Something we haven’t done in a really long time is sleep in and when Cory and I woke up at 11:30 am Saturday, we were both shocked at how long we had slept. I guess we really needed to catch up on our rest because the rest of the weekend was non stop.
As soon as we got up and moving, we had to go pick up a truck load of donations for our yard sale on Saturday. After we got done, I decided to treat myself to a pedicure. I’ve only had one the whole summer and my toes were looking skank nasty. I went with my go-to summer color which is Factory Girl by Color Club. I’ll spare you the picture of my feet because I don’t like feet, not even my own!
When I got done with my pedicure, I headed to Bath and Body Works because Cory has complained non stop about our smelling like dog lately {honestly, I don’t smell it}.
Hopefully, my shopping spree will cure the problem. I may or may not have picked up some fall scents, too. I just can’t help myself!
We had dinner plans with some of our new friends so after I got home, we got ready and headed to Chipotle. Our new friends, the Wares, are a part of the organization that we will be supporting in Rwanda and Jeanne and her daughter Haven just got back from a trip. It was so nice to sit and chat with them about our upcoming trip. Sweetest. family. ever!
This has nothing to do with anything, but have you seen this video???
Seriously, y’all! This cracks me up.
After dinner, we made the mistake of doing a little shopping for some things I need for Rwanda. We totally forgot about it being tax free weekend and even at 8:00pm, shops were still packed. I did find some new Tevas but didn’t have any luck finding luggage. Any suggestions?
My parents made it home {our house} from Canada late Saturday night and we stayed up listening to some stories about their trip. Gracie had a great time on her first mission trip but as soon as she walked in the door, she told Max {her dog} that he was the one she missed the most. #punchinthestomach
Sunday | We all got up and headed to church for our Relocation celebration. We moved from the elementary school to the high school and the service was on point! After church, Cory and I spent the majority of the day going through his moms storage unit and collecting more stuff for the yard sale.
On our way home Sunday evening, we had a truck and trailer full of stuff when Cory’s truck ran out of gas. It’s an old truck and neither the odometer or the gas hand work. We were going through a red light when Cory realized he was out and thank the Lord, there was a gas station right beside us. He was able to get the truck and trailer turned in time and coasted into the gas station. Never in a million years will we get that lucky again!
How was your weekend? What did y’all get into?
this post is linked with my girl biana

Biana Perez
You guys are doing such a wonderful thing – that this blog is rightly so being put on the back burner! that first photo is BEAUTIFUL and then that photo your mom sent you is SERIOUSLY stunning!! I’ve heard lake louise is gorgeous and that picture proves it! Happy Monday!
Paige Sloan
I was pretty jealous when I saw that picture! But it’s so easy to forget what gorgeous views we have in our own county. Thank you for the encouraging words!
Katie Elizabeth
Jealous of your B&BW haul!! I’ve been trying to hold off on stocking up until after we move.. but the temptation is real! I now need to plan a trip to Lake Louise because that picture is so beautiful. Oh, and happy first blogiversary! :)
Paige Sloan
Thanks, girl! I may have overdone it just a tab but it’s all good! We will use it all eventually :)
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
What a crazy busy time for sure, but it’s all so exciting, glad you’re enjoying that :) YAY I’m so happy you picked it up and loved it, isn’t it gorgeous and so easy!? That Lake Louise picture took my breath away, absolutely stunning.
Paige Sloan
I literally can’t mess up my eyes when using it! Everything I’ve tried all looks good. Thank you for recommending it! Isn’t Lake Louise gorgeous???
Lisa Loves John
Wow, Lake Louise looks amazing!!! And I love the picture of your home office… Your pups can be your interns ;)
Paige Sloan
I wish it was my full time office! I’d love spending all day with the pups as my co-workers :)
Lake Louise looks amazing, Canada is so on my list as well. haha i love that picture of you and the dogs on the couch. so cute :)
Paige Sloan
Their pictures are all so gorgeous! I really want to go now!
Julie Joy
Dang girl, you are super busy! Love all the pictures! Especially the picture of the lake at your house and from your Mom’s post in canada! So pretty!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, girl! We can slow down when we’re dead, right? That’s what I keep telling myself at least!
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Oh wow that lake picture looks awesome!! Love me some bbw candles, especially fall scents. I have to force myself to buy other flavors in the summer months. If I had my way I’d burn apple and pumpkin candles year long. Sounds like a good weekend!
Paige Sloan
Yes! I’m the same way…I really didn’t want to buy anything but pumpkin once I saw they had it. They have this banana pudding one…oh my gosh! It smells so good, I could eat it!