Week 28 Bumpdate
I have to apologize for the radio silence over here. The past couple of weeks at work have kicked my pregnant booty and after working 6 days last week, I just couldn’t find the time or energy to post a bumpdate. But I’m back today with all the details from week 28!
How Far Along: 28 weeks, 4 days
Size of Baby: She’s the size of an eggplant. 14.8 inches long and 2.20 pounds!
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: For the first time Monday night, I was woken up by a pretty strong kick to my ribs. It was enough to make me flinch. Obviously, she was wasn’t happy with me laying on my side.
Sleep: Sleep is getting harder since I’m having a harder time getting comfortable but I’m still sleeping good. Praying this continues because I don’t function without sleep.
Workouts: You guys, I can’t even put my tennis shoes on. No, I haven’t worked out.
Maternity Clothes: All day, every day.
Weight Gain: Holding steady at 30 lbs for the past three weeks or so.
Symptoms: After working 51 hours last week, the exhaustion hasn’t gone away. I feel like I could sleep for dayssss. And of course, the swelling is still pretty bad. I’m having a lot of tightness in my lower legs and it makes for almost like shin splints. Other than that, just normal pregnancy symptoms like back pain and some heartburn.
I’m also still having some shortening in my cervix. At my appointment last Monday, my cervix was measuring 2.18 cm and they like it to be over 2 cm at this point so I’m just barely hanging in there. I go back again on Monday and after that appointment, they will stop checking my cervix. I asked what happened if it shortened too quickly after that point and the doctor said I would go into preterm labor and they would treat that rather than treating my cervix since I would be almost 30 weeks.
Cravings/Aversions: I really haven’t had any new cravings or aversions. Just lots of water because I’ve felt very dehydrated with this heat.
Missing Most: Not waddling. Between the big belly and the swollen feet, my waddle has made it to another level.
Nursery: After going back and forth on whether to order the curtains I wanted from Pottery Barn and Cory laying a big fat “No!” on spending that much money, we finally found a compromise. I actually found a gift card from our wedding {almost 6 years ago!} and between that and a sale they were running, I got the price knocked down a good bit. Once I have a free day, I need to pick up a new curtain rod and start on her gallery wall! Check out our baby girl’s nursery inspiration here!
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? Out 24/7.
Wedding Rings On or Off? My rings are safely tucked away in my jewelry box for the remainder of my pregnancy, I assume.
Hubby: You guys, the past few weeks have been rough. Not only was I crazy busy at work, but I was having a very emotional week last week. I took a picture for my 27-week bumpdate and felt as big as a side of the house and ended up saying I wasn’t doing any more bumpdates because I was so unhappy with the way I looked. I came in, crawled in bed and ended up crying myself to sleep that night. I’m not telling you this for your pity or sympathy but just because it’s the truth. I really haven’t enjoyed being pregnant. I know that I’m blessed to be able to carry a child and for that, I’m so, so thankful but I haven’t had the easiest of time. I know it could be so much worse but I just don’t think I will ever be one of those people that enjoy being pregnant. Don’t get me wrong, I love knowing that my body is growing our girl and I adore feeling her kick and move inside me.
I say all this to say how wonderful Cory has been through it all. He showed up at my office the day after my cry-fest with flowers, the sweetest card and lunch. He has gone out of his way to make me feel good about myself and is constantly reminding me how much my body is doing so it’s okay to feel exhausted or emotional or however I’m feeling at that given moment. After surviving graduation week and getting some rest, I’m having a much better week.
Best Part of the Week: This actually happened last week but hormones prevented me from posting but we think we have finally decided on a name. We are, however, keeping it a secret until she gets here so everyone thought we had decided on one a long time ago. What most people don’t know is that Cory and I are two of the most indecisive people on the planet and a baby name is a huge deal!
Can’t Wait For: I go for my glucose test on Monday and I’m so ready to get that out of the way. The horror stories I’ve heard can’t be true, right? Also, we have our baby class at the hospital on Saturday and my first shower is next week!
Make sure to follow along on Insta (@reasonstocomehome) and Snapchat (reasonstch)!
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Rebecca Jo
Bless your heart. I hate you are struggling with the pregnancy & just feeling yuck … I’m so thankful you have a husband who reminds you how AMAZING & GORGEOUS you are. I get it though – your body has changed… its OK to feel whatever you’re feeling. Hang in there momma!!!
Rach @ This Italian Family
I’m so glad to hear that Cory is so sweet and supportive of you during this time! What a good husband! Also, hooray for picking out a name! That’s a big deal and super exciting! :)
Paige! You are doing awesome girl, you got this! And props to Cory for being awesome as always!
And don’t feel bad about not blogging, I ain’t pregnant and I haven’t done a post in a month. ;)
Have a great rest of your week!
Julie Joy
First off, sending prayers to you and baby for your cervix measurements! SEcond of all, you look gorgeous! I totally can relate to how your feeling. The truth is, we are so hard on ourselves. Of course us women when we are pregnant and have extra emotions, it takes some adjusting to looking in the mirror/at pictures and seeing that added weight. Just remind yourself that it is worth it and it is only temporary! Bless your sweet husband! I wish michael was like that. He doesn’t even give me compliments let alone do anything to try to make me feel better when I’m having a meltdown! Ha! ;) Hang in there girl!
Look at you! you look great! glad you decided on a name. that is a hard decision!