Monday again, y’all?? I blinked and my weekend is over. And I’m at work for a few hours today. I won’t have Mondays off again until after Christmas break which kinda blows cause I sure love my three-day weekends!
Cory’s grandfather passed away on Friday and we’ll be heading to his funeral this afternoon. Their relationship was an unusual one and I only first met him less than a year ago. But Cory has very loving, childhood memories of him and he is so thankful to know that is he is no longer suffering and forever rejoicing in Heaven!
linked with biana
Friday evening we grabbed a bite to eat before stopping at Lowe’s for a few more Christmas lights for the house. We got home and Cory finished watching the Oregon game while I got caught up on emails and some of my favorite blogs.
The highlight of my weekend was moving our mattress into the living room so that we can sleep under the beautiful lights of our Christmas tree. It’s just so peaceful, I want to soak it all in!
We slept in, later than I intended, Saturday morning probably because it was raining like crazy and we were just so cozy by the tree. We got up and worked on a few decorations for the baby shower I was helping with Saturday night for Daniel and Tiffany while Stein continued to enjoy the mattress all day!
After the rain calmed down, I had to go the grocery store. If you have to go to the grocery store on a rainy day, Starbucks at least makes it more tolerable.
And Cory finished putting up our outside decorations. Every year, we do them at the worst times like in the dark or rain. And this year was no different.
Perfect evening for some chili beans and cornbread while getting to shower Daniel, Tiffany and Miss Selah.
Sunday was a blur with nursery at church, pizza for lunch, final proofing on the profiles for Rwanda, community group at the Owens, a few last touches to my Christmas decorations and wasting two hours watching Eaten Alive.
Spoiler alert…he doesn’t get eaten!
Did anyone else waste their time watching? If not, what all did you do this weekend??

Rebecca Jo
I keep hearing on the radio about that show & what a joke it was… glad I forgot about it.
Yep – I love Starbucks in my grocery when its yucky out.
I’m sorry about Corey’s grandfather. Always hard…Sending prayers to the family
Bri @ My Life As...
I didn’t start watching Eaten Alive until about an hour in. It was like a train wreck I just couldn’t stop watching.
What a fun idea to sleep under the tree! I always used to do that when I was younger!
Biana @Blovedboston
I’m so sorry for your loss girl – so hard to say goodbye to people during the holidays! i swear you guys have more weddings and showers than any couple I know! lol
Katie Elizabeth
So sorry to hear about Cory’s Grandpa – thinking of you guys today. We’re painting our bedroom this weekend so we decided that night (due to the paint fumes), we’re going to sleep in front of the fire and I’m SO excited! Glad you had a good weekend!
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
Thinking of you all, So sorry to hear about cory’s grandpa! Your tree looks gorgeous and so cozy for sure. I agree, I swear grocery shopping doesn’t seem like a chore to me anymore now that I shop at Target & there’s a Starbucks haha
sorry to hear about Cory’s Grandpa, that’s so sad.
what a brilliant idea to move the mattress out and sleep near the tree. we were going to do that if we had a fire but my husband gets too hot, so… lol.
This weekend was LOOONG!!! Oh my yes. So, I did blink and it was unfortunately over with no rest to speak of. Tonight, I’m thinking this chic is going to bed at 10pm! lol (trust me, that’s early for me!). I posted all about my weekend! lol
And very sorry to hear about Cory’s grandfather.
Julie Joy
Overall it looks like a good weekend! Sorry to hear about Cory’s grandfather. I hope the funeral went well! Love how you guys took the matterss out to the living room to sleep by the tree! That’s so cute :)
Amanda Elizabeth
Sorry to hear about Cory’s Grandfather…….That does sound pretty special being able to sleep under the tree like that! Starbucks totally makes all things a little easier ;-)