How in the world is it already Monday?? Talk about a weekend that went by WAY too quickly–especially since I’m at work today. I can’t complain though, because I’ve got a three day week! Nothing too exciting happened for the Sloans this weekend but we did get a lot done.
linked with biana
When I got home from work on Friday, I had my first letter from John. Talk about one happy sista!
We headed to Easley to help my Papa and Barbara get moved into their new house. Even though we are so excited about having them closer than Asheville, it was a little bittersweet knowing that we will never get to go back to the “ole home place” where we spent so much time as children.
Saturday morning I woke up to this cutie pie in my face.
“Is it time to get up yet, Mama?”
We spent the day on Saturday decorating for Christmas. Cory’s grandmother stopped by and the first thing she said when she walked in was “are y’all moving?” No, as a matter of fact, all these totes are just my Christmas decorations.
While we were decorating, Gaudence sent Cory this picture from Rwanda and I cried. I miss these sweet faces so incredibly much.
We interrupted our Christmas decorating to get ready for our family pictures for which I still didn’t have our outfits picked out. About an hour before we were supposed to meet Amber, I finally decided on something. Hopefully, we didn’t look like we just threw our outfits together {even though we did}.
We got home and cleared a path {I kid you not} in the totes so we could at least maneuver through our living room and then decorated some more!
We woke up to a very rainy Sunday and had Thanksgiving lunch at church. We got home from church, curled up with the dogs and took a nap while it stormed outside. After our nap, we had to run to Anderson to pick up a few things for our Thanksgiving trip to Texas and when we got home, we came home to some major flooding in our back yard.
We were rushing to get some of our firewood inside from the rain so we could stay warm for evening when Cory accidentally dropped a huge piece of wood on my hand. I’ve never broken a bone so I don’t know what it feels like but I was pretty certain it broke my hand. After a few minutes, the throbbing pain eased off but it started swelling almost immediately. I guess I’ll just have to keep an eye on it.
We finished 99% of our Christmas decorations and ended the weekend with a little Walking Dead, cleaning up the house {at least Cory did} and Christmas tree gazing because it’s just so stinkin’ gorgeous!
How was your weekend??

Rebecca Jo
Hope your hand is ok.
I cant the winter finale of walking dead is next week. Loved last night seeing everyone on the same episode.
Good for you Getting your decorations going. Thats my plan this week.
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Sounds like a good weekend minus the hand injury! hope it’s feeling better today. I have so many totes full of christmas decorations too, but I decided to only put up the tree this year and keep everything else packed. Taking it easy this year!
Jessi Otey
minus the wood to the hand incident…it seemed like a fabulous weekend!! Cheers to a short week too! xoxo
Biana @Blovedboston
Oh my gosh – the picture of your pups face is priceless!! sounds like such a great weekend and yay for a short week!!
oh my goodness, your poor hand! hope it is ok :(
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
That face, so funny! I’d be ok with waking up to that cutie in my face haha :) Hope your hand is oK!
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
Gah! That flooding looks awful! I hope there was no damage. We put up our tree this weekend too, but we are going to wait until our family is here this week to decorate it and turn on the lights :)
Katie Elizabeth
Ahh hope your hand is okay! Nick fractured my ankle once and I always hold that over him ;) Jealous that your tree is up – we are putting ours up on Sunday and I am counting down the days!!
Julie Joy
Oh no! I hope your hand isn’t broken! Can’t wait to see the pictures!! :)
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
Aw yay, I’m so glad you got your first letter from your brother!
That’s amazing that y’all are still in touch with the people you met in Rwanda, hopefully seeing and talking to them will help you get through everything you’ve been dealing with lately.
And I totally relate to the little “path” you created to get through all your Christmas stuff. I was clearing out our guest bedroom this weekend and I imagine our houses looking the same with stuff everywhere.
Anywho, ice that hand and I can’t wait to see your Christmas decorations! Yay for three day work weeks! Woot woot!
paige gunter
Wow, a 3 day work week! How nice. I have to work the day after Thanksgiving, but thankfully they let all of us start wearing the Christmas shirts they buy us every year and jeans! Sounds like y’all had an amazing weekend. Can not wait to see all of the pretty decorations!