Happy rainy Monday, y’all. Sure am glad that I’m at home in my pjs today especially after the busy weekend we had.
linked with my girl biana
Gracie spent the night on Friday and poor thing was so sick. She’s had a nasty sinus infection all week and hasn’t been able to kick it. But she was so excited about the 90’s party, she stayed up late helping us prep.
We spent all day on Saturday getting ready for the party {remember I hadn’t done anything for the party before Friday night} and somehow we pulled off a slammin’ party for our community group.
We probably had too much fun with the photobooth.
With about 80% of our group having birthdays in September and October this was actually supposed to a birthday party but we never even sang happy birthday. Everyone was too busy drinking Cheerwine out of pineapple straws, eating ring pops and playing Mario on the Super Nintendo.
I’ll do a full recap on the party soon, I promise!
After church on Sunday, we thought we would enjoy our free afternoon on the couch but decided to go visit some family instead. We ended up staying all afternoon at Cory’s uncle and aunts but it was good catching up.
We ended our weekend with a little Gameboy playing {still left out from the 90’s party} and The Walking Dead!
How was your weekend? What all did you get in to?

Biana @Blovedboston
Sounds like the photobooth was quite the success – can’t wait for the full recap!!
Kateri Von Steal
I love the photobooth! how cool?!?!
Sometimes the best parties come from spur of them moment ideas.
:) Can’t wait to read more.
90s Party?!?!?!?!!? that is like a dream come true for me I want to have one soo bad!
Rebecca Jo
Look at you two… so dang cute!
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
That party looked so fun!! I had brunch with a blogger friend, church & dinner Saturday night then spent all day Sunday enjoying the falling snow from my couch in my pj’s :)
Julie joy
Love the 90’s outfits! Too funny! I haven’t played super nintendo in forever! Used to be my fav. lOl