Man, what a perfect weekend! If I could do it all over again, I would! It was non-stop busy but packed with football, friends and family. Could a girl really ask for more?
The homecoming floats were remarkable this year so a few girls from the office took a stroll Friday afternoon to check them out.
This one actually had a pond in front of it. They get so creative.
Cory had to switch to night shift this weekend so we headed out for sushi date Friday night. I’ve been on a sushi kick lately and it was so, so good.
Saturday morning, Amber and I headed to Clemson for her first tailgating experience. And oh my goodness, we couldn’t have asked for better weather especially after all the rain and flooding the past two weekends.
We ran into to some church friends.
And some old friends.
Let me play, coach!
I really, really love this place and every time I come back, I’m reminded just how much I miss spending my Saturdays on the field cheering.
Out of nowhere, everyone started turning their cell phone lights on. I wish I could’ve capture just how pretty it was. Looked like stars, y’all.
We finished the night at Waffle House and I think it’s safe to say that Amber enjoyed her first Clemson game day experience.
Sunday, after church, we headed to my parents house for a joint birthday dinner for Cory and myself. My grandparents were there and my sister and the kids were able to come and it was so nice catching up with everyone since returning from Rwanda.
Check out those tiny kicks. I die.
I told Cory he looked like Luke from Gilmore Girls. Poor thing hadn’t slept since Thursday night at this point. He’s such a trooper!
Gracie and Taylor were so excited to give us their gifts.
After lunch, we had to get back home and finish cleaning for our first small group meeting of the year. We are doing a chronological study of the Bible and we just adore the group of people we get to do life with. It doesn’t get much better than this.
Poor Selah, she was just done at this point.
After everyone left, Cory had to go back into work so I curled up on the couch to watch The Walking Dead. When I wouldn’t let Charley in my lap, she headed to the other end of the couch to pout.
After it took me ALL day to get my meals planned and bought for the week, I decided to wait until today to start the 21 Day Fix. It was a beast but the prep is done!
What all did you get into this weekend?

I’m always on a sushi kick haha! Looks like such a fun football filled weekend!
TrisTa @ the classy chaos
what a fun weekend!!! And he weather was absolutely perfeCt for a football game!
Rebecca Jo
Girl – you are ON it with the meal prep – I was impressed with the list – but you even have food dished out – APPLAUDING YOU!!!!!!
Those tiny shoes! Retro & 80’s! :)
That’s one big small group – what a blessing!
My bride consult this week – she had on your plaid shirt – seeing it 2x in a few days must be natures way of telling me I need to go find one myself :)
Katie Elizabeth
Now all I can think about is sushi! Yum! Can’t get over some of those floats, so impressive. Glad it was a good weekend – good luck with the 21 day fix!!
oh man i miss sushi. its been ages since i had some good sushi. woah those floats are intense!!! woah. yay for beautiful weather, it looks like you all had a great time!
Girl, your meal plan list is impressive!
Rachel G
Whoa, you sure weren’t exaggerating when you said it was a busy weekend! But busy with fun stuff is just the way I like them!
what a fun weeekend! i used to love making the floats–i agree, very talented!