Happy Monday, y’all! Is it just me or did this weekend fly by?? I blinked and it’s Monday again. Cory and I had all kinds of errands to get done today with appointments with our accountant, cabinet and flooring people for the kitchen reno and we really need to get a run in. We haven’t ran in two weeks. Yikes! Not to mention, the 749 pictures I need to get done for some post I have planned.
So before we start a crazy week…here’s a few pictures from our weekend!
Saturday morning started off with a chilly dip in the lake for Cory at the Polar Plunge. At least they were freezin’ for a reason! And they were freezin’. It was cold Saturday morning- the wind just cut right through you. They used a meat thermometer {which can’t be that accurate} and the surface temperature was around 40 degrees.
Before the plunge. Obviously.
Apparently, Leevon was the only one aware of what was fixing to happen.
Oh, the faces!
We stayed at home the rest of the afternoon getting things done around the house. I’m amazed at how much I got accomplished when I focused on what needed to be done.
I may have gotten a little spray paint happy, but I really made some progress on my bedroom. I will be sharing all the details soon! I can’t wait :)
We finished out our weekend with church on Sunday morning and dinner with our small group. Well, part of our group at least. Almost half our group is sick right now and I’m praying Cory and I don’t catch anything! Something must be going around!
What we didn’t finish our weekend with was The Walking Dead because we officially canceled our DirecTV last week {eek!} and it was really the first time I’ve missed it. Any ideas as to how we can watch it?? It’s not on Hulu and requires a cable sign in to watch it online.
I’m just gonna throw it out there that maybe my productive weekend had something to do with not having tv….nah!
How was your weekend? What all did you do?

Katie Elizabeth
Love the zoomed in faces, haha! I can’t even imagine how freezing cold that water must have felt! Glad you had a good weekend and hope you and Cory stay sickness free :)
Biana @Blovedboston
So so cool that cory did the polar plunge – I saw a bunch of people that did it in chicago too! Great job on cancelling cable…I for some reason cant part with ours lol! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Is that gold I see? :) It looks really pretty <3
Paige Gunter
I love the spray paint project! Pretty!!! I don’t watch Walking Dead, BUt I know for a fact Netflix gets it. Don’t know which season it has right now, but it might be what you are looking for. :)
Rebecca Jo
I used to have a site that updated TV shows the next day… LMK if you don’t have it & I’ll see if I can find that link again to send to you.
Amanda Elizabeth
Brrrrrrrrr I can’t even……only men would do that right?
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
That polar plunge sounds crazy!! Love the reactions though. Can’t wait to see the bedroom progress! And Netflix has the Walking Dead, although they don’t have the current season up yet. I think it would be soon though. We are so far behind on it and I can’t wait to get back into it!
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
Oh my gosh, props to them for doing the polar plung, just looking at the pictures makes me cold.
LOVE the gold, so pretty! And major props to you and Cory for canceling your DirectV. I’ve been thinking about downgrading the package we have with Dish because it’s so expensive but I am obsessed with the ID channel so I don’t know what I’d do without it. First world problems, I know. Anywho, hope you’re having a good week girl!
Julie Joy
Oh my goodness I am cold just looking at them jump in that water! Yikes! Sounds like a good weekend! I’m always so much more productive if I don’t sit on my phone or computer. Michael’s productive if he doesn’t turn the TV on. Haha! :)