Weekend Recap
This post was originally planned for yesterday but got bumped because I had to share the beautiful story of love and loss. If you missed it, you can find it here and believe me, it’s worth five minutes of your time to read.
Since Cory is on night shift and worked this past weekend, I got to spend time with some of my favorite girls. After sitting at home for the past couple weekends and every evening last week, I was ready to get out of the house. So Friday night Jessica, Kaylen and I headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.
It’s no secret that I hate to cook. And I very rarely do but I especially don’t cook when I’m home by myself. So you can imagine after a week of eating popcorn for dinner, I stuffed my face Friday night. Oh. my. gosh. It was so good.
After Cory got home Saturday morning, he came straight to bed and we slept in. Technically, I guess I slept in and Cory got a normal nights rest but who’s really counting? I really needed to run to Ulta to get some makeup since I was completely out of almost everything and my eyebrows were looking something fierce. Since Cory had come straight home and slept, he had a few hours to waste before he had to go into work so he rode with me. When his work schedule gets crazy, we have to take advantage of every minute we get together even if it is him watching me get my eyebrows waxed. True love, right?
I typically don’t share beauty tips because I struggle with my makeup routine and break outs. Most days I leave the house unsatisfied with the way my makeup looks but I’ve got to share this product with you! My face requires one heck of a good concealer because of some awful black under eye circles. I’ve been using the MAC Studio Finish Concealer but was completely out and the closest place that sells is in Greenville. I liked it but didn’t have time to go to Greenville or order it so I asked a lady at Ulta what she recommended and she suggested the Urban Decay 24/7 Concealer Pencil. I’ve only used it for a few days but I’ve really liked it so far. The coverage is great {which is really important to me} and it really does wear good throughout the day.
Just as we were getting home, Kristen texted and asked if I had plans. I had already told Cory I would clean the house so of course I responded with “Nope, none.” Kristen was a gymnast for years and Clemson was hosting the Tiger Paw Gymnastics Invitational. One of the girls she used to compete with is on Clemson’s club team so we went and watched the meet. It’s been years {probably since Kristen was still competing} that I’ve been to a gymnastics meet but it was so much fun watching all the awesome gymnasts and reminisce on our younger days of being good athletes. We couldn’t help but laugh at ourselves when we realized how old we are getting and how out of shape we are.
On Sunday, we had our first interest meeting for Rwanda {the only reason I told Cory I would clean the house} and had a great turn out. We are so excited about the group that God is bringing together for our trip but we’ve got a lot of planning to do over the next couple months. Since Cory had to go to work after the meeting, I went to Jessica’s to watch the Super Bowl with her, Matt and Kaylen, of course. They are such sweet friends to let me crash their evening so I didn’t have to watch it alone. Honestly, I really wasn’t even sure who was playing in the game but had to watch for the commercials. We were highly disappointed with the commercials {and the game, for that matter} but we did enjoy the half time performance and Kaylen was very entertaining. I got this video of her dancing to Bruno Mars and listen how country her little voice is at the end. Precious.
Goodness, I could just kiss those sweet cheeks off. She might be too cute for her own good. I had such a good weekend, even if I didn’t get to spend much time with Cory, I’m thankful for the time I got to spend with my besties.

Rachel G
Popcorn is my go-to dinner when I’m home alone, too! My husband worked 12 hr. night shifts for 1.5 years, so I know what that’s like about trying to get whatever hour or two you can together!!
Paige Sloan
Goodness! I don’t think I could do it for that long. Thankfully, he only has to work this schedule for a couple weeks. And I seriously think I could live off of popcorn. Ha!