Week 24 Bumpdate
Happy hump day, bumpdate y’all! Lots to catch up on for my 24-week bumpdate.
How Far Along: 24 weeks, 4 days
Size of Baby: A cantaloupe, and I believe it. She hasn’t been measured since my 20-week appointment but my app says she should be 11.8 inches long and 1.30 lbs.
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: Hot Pie is definitely gonna be a ninja.
Sleep: Sleep is still good, thankfully. I’ve been having so many back pains that I sleep with a heating pad on my back and that helps.
Workouts: …
Maternity Clothes: Duh.
Weight Gain: I was so upset about this number last week because I was up almost 21 lbs but I was also retaining a lot of water from the trip. After a lot of rest this weekend and getting my eating back on track, its about 18 lbs right now.
Symptoms: So I’m not sure if I just keep getting colds or if my congestion from allergies is so bad but Friday was probably the most miserable day I’ve ever worked through. By the end of the day, I had no makeup left. I came straight home and crawled in bed and pretty much stayed there all weekend. I still have a ton of congestion but I’m feeling much better after a weekend of rest.
Cravings/Aversions: Cookie Dough ice cream but I’m not really sure that’s pregnancy related…
Missing Most: Being able to use Flonase. That’s the secret to kicking my allergies.
Nursery: Cory is planning on making a trip to Atlanta this weekend with the guys and while they are down there, he is going to pick up the dresser from IKEA. We’ve got all this furniture but don’t even have a room cleaned out or painted to put it in!
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? It is now showing through my shirts so I would classify that as officially out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? I can still fit my college ring but I’m wearing just a plain band that I wear when I travel instead of my wedding bands. I have a feeling that I’m gonna have to get them resized after this pregnancy.
Hubby: I’m sure y’all will get tired of me gushing over how sweet Cory is BUT last week, I got a few comments about using a fitness ball for my back pain and a humidifier for my congestion. When I got home from work on Thursday, he had both sitting on the counter waiting for me. He just keeps on getting better!
Best Part of the Week: Is it possible that the best part of the week came from the worst part? So the worst part? I’ve had my cervical length checked at every appointment due to a procedure I had done a few years ago and at my 24-week appointment on Thursday, they were a little concerned about how short my cervix got when pressure was applied to my abdomen. The way the doctor explained it was this: we are on a race against time–we have more weeks of development left than cervical length. There are a few different options, one including a surgery that we don’t want to do: thankfully, we aren’t to that point yet. As of right now, I’ll be on a biweekly schedule of seeing the doctor and having an ultrasound to check the length. The end goal right now is keep Hot Pie baking until 36 weeks.
The best part? We serve a mighty and powerful God and we trust that His will is perfect: because of this trust we asked our friends and family to come alongside us and pray on our behalf that the shortening is halted, Hot Pie has all the time she needs to grow and develop normally, that we and the medical staff are given the wisdom to make the right decisions at the right times, and also that we are given strength to trust Him in any situation, no matter the outcome. I put a simple post on Facebook and Cory and I were blown away at the response we got. We can feel the prayers, y’all. Hot Pie is so blessed to already be surrounded by an army!
Can’t Wait For: Hopefully, making some progress on the nursery this weekend.
Make sure to follow along on Insta (@reasonstocomehome) and Snapchat (reasonstch)!
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Rebecca Jo
Praying for you.. you are so right – God is a might God & he’s got this.
Did they say that you could be on bed rest to help? Just curious.
Its crazy what a body goes through in a pregnancy!
Keeping you all in my prayers! <3
Fingers crossed that little lady keeps on cookin’ in there! Looking great as always, mama!
Julie Joy
Aww cory is so sweet! Hopefully its helping! We have a humidifer/vaporizer/oIls diffuser in remington’s room and that really helps her when shes congested! Ive been praying for you and hot pie!
awww gush away! that was so sweet of cory. honestly, that’s awesome! better than him not being interested or excited. that’s so nice that you had so many people support you and your little hot pie, i do hope all continues to go well and you’re able to make it to/past 36 weeks.
Tif @ Bright on a Budget
God will definitely take care of everything:) Prayers for you and baby too!
Awww, Paige, I hate you are so congested. Thankfully, I only had like one rough week of that and I can’t remember for the life of me what I did. I hope it clears up for you VERY soon. A thought though, you can always use a baby monitor to instruct Cory on decorating the nursery for you from the comfort of your bed if you need to rest for a little while. (At least that is what I would do if I were tired, lol.) ;)
Cervical checks BITE. There is no other way to describe that part of pregnancy. I am so glad that your doctor is keeping an eye on things though and that they have a plan with y’all to keep an eye on your sweet girl. We’ll be praying for you.
love the bumpdate!! you are such a cutie!! i’m so excited!!!