Week 23 Bumpdate
A bumpdate from the beach?! Yes, please! I’m technically almost 24 weeks at this point but ringing in 23 weeks on our babymoon was pretty special!
How Far Along: 23 weeks, 5 days
Size of Baby: A grapefruit and 11.8 inches long. According to our last appointment, Hot Pie weighed 12 oz and was in the 58th percentile in size.
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: I think I have a ninja in my stomach.
Sleep: Sleep is still pretty good. Apparently, I’ve been snoring a lot which only affects Cory but I can’t help it with all this congestion.
Workouts: I haven’t made it back to Zumba but I did start walking this week, hoping to help with some of my back pain. I got in a mile and half on Tuesday.
Maternity Clothes: Yep.
Weight Gain: 20lbs. UGH! How is it possible to gain 7lbs in one week? Apparently, you go on vacation. Back to eating healthier this week.
Symptoms: Hello, indigestion! I’ve actually prayed that Hot Pie will have hair so maybe this is an answer to my prayer. Either way, Tums is my new best friend. Other than indigestion, I’m having awful back pain. I’m not sure if it’s my chair at work or what but any suggestions to help make myself more comfortable?
Cravings/Aversions: I wouldn’t say this was a craving but while at the beach, I wanted shrimp almost every meal. I know it’s not great to eat a ton of seafood while pregnant so I did limit myself but I hardly ever eat shrimp.
Missing Most: This may sound vain but being skinny. I didn’t think it would bother me at the beach but seeing a bunch of skinny college girls in their tiny little bikinis didn’t help with my self confidence. Other than that, being able to sit comfortably. And lay on my stomach. It didn’t occur to me I wouldn’t be able to until I tried it on the beach. Nope. Couldn’t do it.
Nursery: The rug came in while we were gone this past weekend and it’s just as pretty as I imagined. I can’t wait to get it all set up in her room!
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? It is now showing through my shirts so I would classify that as out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? I haven’t been able to wear them since I got back from the beach. I don’t know if it was all the time in the car but I’m having a lot of swelling.
Hubby: He has been so sweet to tell me I’m pretty or that he thinks I look great. It’s reassuring to hear it from him. Spending time with him on our babymoon was just so, so sweet. While I can’t wait to see him as a dad, I’m gonna miss this time of just the two of us.
Best Part of the Week: Our babymoon was pretty spectacular and each day we spent in Pensacola was the best part of the week until the next one rolled around. Make sure you check back tomorrow to see a ton of iPhone pictures from our trip. #keepingitreal
Can’t Wait For: Honestly? Being able to sleep in on Saturday morning. Returning to a busy week at work after vacation has wiped me out and I just wanna sleep!
Make sure to follow along on Insta (@reasonstocomehome) and Snapchat (reasonstch)!
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Rebecca Jo
OK – I’m calling that baby now, Baby Ninja – just sounds cool :)
Oh sweet friend. While you were looking at those beach bodies, there were probably some looking at you jealous of the life you are carrying :) Be proud of that beautiful baby bump. I know you are. Just no on being any less confident – you beautiful momma you!!!
I can the pretty white beaches of Pensacola anytime! I hope you had a wonderful time in my hometown for your babymoon! You are absolu glowing!
**spot the Pretty white beaches :)
So so glad you guys had such a great babymoon! And it sounds like your husband is such a sweetie. :)
chelsea jacobs
You look so happy!
Paige,you are so pretty with your sweet little girl giving you your baby bump! The excitement of being a mommy is all on your face.
So glad that y’all had such a good time. I can’t wait to see the pictures. It looks beautiful.
The heat does not help. I actually just dropped my rings off to be resized Monday night. Even though I’ve lost almost all of the baby weight, my fingers are just a little bigger. My mom said that is completely normal though. She lost all of her baby weight and still had to have hers resized after me. I just can’t wait to have them back on again.
I’m trying to remember what I did for the back pain. I had one of those full body pillows. That was my comfort for the most part. I even brought it to the couch most days. I would slip it between my legs and push myself up against the back of the pillow as much as possible. It helped. Oh, and the pool- my parents’ pool helped me SOOOOO much.
Julie Joy
Girl, you look fabulous! I know its hard to not pay attention to that weight gain number. Im guilty of it too… But the truth is, it doesnt matter! Sorry to hear about the back pain. A foam roller helps me to just stretch out and the pressure gives me some cracks as well. I had terrible indigestion with Remi and you Saw how much hair she had! Lol.
pssh don’t worry about the weight girl, you’re growing a human. hope the back pain isn’t too bad. that dress is another cute one, seriously, your maternity style is better than my normal not pregnant style haha.