Week 21 Bumpdate
You guys, I’m dragging today but it’s Wednesday Bumpdate! On top of the time change last week and these awful allergies, I’ve been left feeling like I’ve been dragged through the mud. The good news though? We’ve officially started counting down the weeks instead of up. 19 weeks left until we get to hold our sweet little girl!
How Far Along: 21 weeks, 4 days
Size of Baby: A pomegranate and 10.5 inches long {she grew a lot this week!} According to last appointment, Hot Pie weighed 12 oz and was in the 58th percentile in size.
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: Lots and lots of movement! I got up one night this week to go to the bathroom and at 2:00am, she was kicking up a storm. Hopefully, that’s not a sign of what’s to come.
Sleep: I’ve still been sleeping pretty well. Like I said, this time change and allergies have got me all messed up so I’ve been super sleepy; however, I have noticed myself tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable at night.
Workouts: I didn’t make it to Zumba at all this week and I feel it!
Maternity Clothes: Most definitely, although I’d rather just be in sweatpants.
Weight Gain: I haven’t even stepped on the scale recently and a little scared to. I’m feeling rather large this week.
Symptoms: I’ve had some pressure in my lower abdomen while sitting at my desk at work but I think it’s because I sit there for so long. I get really uncomfortable by the end of the day. Other than that, I’m feeling great!
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing new this week.
Missing Most: Having a wardrobe selection. I’m really not wanting to invest a lot of money into maternity clothes but I feel like I wear the same thing every single week.
Nursery: YESS!!! Did you see my post yesterday about getting our closet done? Hot Pie’s closet is officially hers! Now to get the furniture moved out and the walls painted and we’ll be on a roll!
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? It’s slowly coming out. I can feel it through most of my shirts which is crazy weird.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On, but I’ve had to take them off a few times. If I get really hot, my hands swell even worse than they already are and I’m afraid I won’t be able to get them off.
Hubby: He worked tirelessly, all weekend, to get this closet done. He had a ton of other stuff he’d rather be working on but devoted his time to finishing it. Plus, he hasn’t felt the best the past couple of days but still takes care of my needs first. How did I get so lucky???
Best Part of the Week: Checking off the first step to getting the nursery done!
Can’t Wait For: We are 8 days away from our Babymoon and I’m so ready for a few days to relax with Cory. We really, really need it!
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Rebecca Jo
Ahhh – you really are starting to get a good bump now. I love it!
Allergies are starting to kick me in the face right now too. Tis the season.
Yep – watch that ring. It doesnt take long for those fingers to swell & a panic of trying to get it off happens. It’s a good excuse to go get a cheap band to wear … maybe one from a vending machine :) .
Paige! You have such a pretty pregnant bump.
Cory sounds like a sweetheart. Looks like y’all had a plan. I wish we had been that organized when getting Reagan’s room ready. I was so anxious to have it done, that we just shoved everything in our closet and have been rushing in and out of it for the last year. We JUST decided to organize and clean it up this weekend. We should have had a game plan like you. Doesn’t look like you will be stressing over your closet every time you go into it now.
Time will really start to fly by now. You will surely be busy as you wait. I hope your allergies let up for you soon.
Katie Elizabeth
Yay glad you’re feeling great! I feel a lot of movement at night too which makes me nervous – they’re probably never going to sleep, ha! 8 day countdown is on for us as well, we must be leaving the same day :)
Rach @ This Italian Family
Aww, you look great! :)
Hooray for being only 8 days away! Getting so close!
Julie Joy
Woohoo for nursery pRogRess! I feel ya on Just wanting to wear sweatpants and not waNting to spend money on clothes. Tank tops and cardigans are a savior. And i cant wait until summertime for maxi skirts and dresses. :)
ahhh time is flying by! how exciting :) good to hear you’re feeling great, and yay babymoon!