Week 18 Bumpdate
Oh hey, bumpdate. Heeeey!
You guys, I jinxed myself. The end of week 17 went downhill fast ending with a trip to the ER.
How Far Along: 18 weeks, 4 days
Size of Baby: A sweet potato and 5.6 inches long!
Gender: It’s a sweet girl! Read all about our gender reveal party here!
Movement: Yes, yes, yes! This past weekend, I was pretty sure I was feeling Hot Pie flip and roll around and on Monday, I was laying down when I felt a definite kick (or arm or head).
Sleep: I’ve slept a lot this past weekend and started having crazy, vivid dreams again. The weirdest part is almost every single dream involves someone from high school. Many of these people I haven’t seen in almost 11 years.
Workouts: Yeah, about that…
Maternity Clothes: Maybe you caught it on Instagram but thanks to my sweet friend Paige at Retro-Belle Wife, I am set on maternity work pants. Plus, I found two more pairs at a local consignment store for $6 a piece. That’s what I’m talking about! I work 9.5 hours a day, four days a week, so having comfortable pants has been a game changer this week!
Weight Gain: I’m up about 6 lbs according to my scale but I’m not sure how accurate that is.
Symptoms: Goodness gracious, y’all…let’s start from the beginning. Last Wednesday, I had a meeting at church and when I got home wasn’t feeling that great and told Cory I was gonna lay down on the couch. About 9:00pm, out of nowhere, I got the worst pain in my kidney area I’ve ever felt. It was like an awful menstrual cramp that would not ease up or go away for almost 20 minutes. I had no idea what was happening but I could stand up and sitting down hurt even worse. It affected my breathing and I seriously thought I was going to vomit from the pain. After it eased off, I went straight to bed.
Thursday morning I called my OB and told them my symptoms and asked to be seen, and they told me it was round ligament pain. Now, I understand that they probably have a ton of first-time moms call and ask to be seen and it ends up being nothing but this was something. I wish I had listened to my body (and Cory, and my Mom) and called back and really pushed to be seen because I knew it wasn’t round ligament pain. I felt better for most of the day on Thursday and about 3:30, I started getting dull cramps again in my left kidney area. By 4:15, I was calling Cory asking him to come on home because the pain was as bad as the night before. When he got home, he called the OB again and explained my symptoms again and made sure to tell them he didn’t think it was round ligament pain. They suggested I head on to the hospital where I will be delivering (which is an hour away) to be checked for kidney stones. This is a women’s hospital and I didn’t even know they had a regular ER. I thought I would be able to go straight to a room and also see the OB on call. Well, this wasn’t the case at all. You have to be at least 19 weeks along to go to the labor ER so I had to sit down there with people literally puking everywhere and hacking up lungs. I wasn’t very happy! After about 5 hours in the ER, they checked on the baby, told me my symptoms were the same as kidney stones but told me because I’m pregnant, they couldn’t do a CT scan to check. I was sent home with nothing more than instructions to take Tylenol, drink lots of water, and rest.
Friday morning I got a call from my OB saying they had gotten the report from the hospital and wanted me to come in Monday for follow-up. The rest of the weekend, I felt really run-down and had mild cramps in my kidney area but not the extreme pain I experienced on Wednesday and Thursday. At my follow-up appointment on Monday, the doctor agreed that it did sound like kidney stones (which are common in pregnancy) but since I hadn’t had anymore pain from them, they just want me to wait it out and see. If I experience the pain again, they will do a renal ultrasound to find out more about where the stone(s) are and a plan of action to get me some relief. Until then, I’m praying I didn’t catch some kind of bubonic plague from that ER and that maybe, just maybe these awful kidney stones will magically disappear and not give me anymore problems!
Cravings/Aversions: I had a dream about Froyo with Sour Punch Straws in it the other night and woke up wanting some ice cream. And Sour Punch Straws. But I resisted! Other than that, nothing new other than a lot of fruit.
Missing Most: This isn’t really pregnancy related, but I miss being tan. I used a self-tanner for our gender reveal party and now I feel all pale again. Only a few more weeks until I can soak up some Florida sunshine!
Nursery: We have our crib picked out and we’re waiting for it come in so we can pick it up. We don’t have anywhere to put it yet, but it was out of stock online and it just so happened that Buy Buy Baby had one on the truck to be delivered when we called to ask about it.
Labor Signs: No! Thank you, Jesus.
Belly Button In or Out? In but starting to flatten out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On
Hubby: You guys, he was a total mess Wednesday and Thursday. He’s never seen me in that much pain and the whole ride to the hospital, he was completely stressed out. I’m pretty sure he turned his emergency flashers on at one point, which was completely unnecessary! Let’s hope he can handle the stress when I’m in labor and it’s an actual emergency.
Best Part of the Week: Even though it has been a rough week, we have still had some great moments. But the best part of the week? Definitely getting to feel Hot Pie swim around in my stomach! I can’t forget to mention all the prayers and support we got from our friends and family. Our little family is loved and that’s a great feeling!
Can’t Wait For: We go back on Monday for our 20-week anatomy scan and we are also planning on registering since we will be close to Buy Buy Baby. Hopefully, our crib will be in but I need recommendations on car seats and strollers. What do all you mamas like or dislike?
Here’s to hoping the end of this week goes much better than the last!
Our Announcement | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15 | Week 16 | Week 17

Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Oh My goodness! I’m glad it wasn’t anything too serious, but I’m sorry you had to deal with that! Hopefully it magically goes away. Yay for feeling the baby kick! Good luck with registering! We like our britax carseat/travel system, but I kind of wish I’d done more research on two seater strollers.
So glad everything turned out to be okay with baby, and hopefully you don’t have to experience any more of that pain, it sounds awful!
Random question, but where did you get that cute scarf?
Rebecca Jo
Oh my gosh – I would have told them, I’m going to sit in my car, text me when its my turn – I would have been freaked out sitting in that ER as well!!!
Bless your heart. I’ll start praying that is the only kidney stone you have!!!! No more of these are needed.
& poor Cory… I’m sure it killed him seeing you in pain. I can only imagine him trying to help you out in freak out mode.
oh my goodness! how scary, and horrible. i really hope the pain doesn’t come back!
Katie Elizabeth
Gahh, I can’t even imagine how scary that must have been! So glad you’re feeling better and hoping the pain stays away completely. Love the crib you picked out and yay for feeling her move!
Rach @ This Italian Family
Oh gracious! That’s so scary! And horrible that you were stuck waiting at the ER for 5 hours. Yuck! I hope the kidney stones don’t give you any more trouble from here on out! On a happier note… you are looking super adorable!
Oh goodness you poor thing!! I certainly hope you do not have any further problems with the kidney stones! Im glad you and the baby are okay though! Have fun registering! Someone told me not to register for a travel system because they are more bulky and i did it anyways but i kind of wish i would have looked at separates to compare instead because i only used the infant carseat with the stroller for a few times and now i have this big old stRoller to fold up and haul around. Although Maybe thats because its a jogging stroller. Idk. Anyways, just a thought for you to maybe coMpare! I Have a Graco brand and didnt have any complaints! Chicco was my second choice! We also Registered for the convertible car seat for once she grew out od the infant seat. We choose one that would be used for a long time. Im glad we did that!
Paige Gunter
Oh, Paige, I am so sorry you had to go through all that. I remember getting angry after we left a family party last year where Justin’s uncle was continuously coughing. Turns out, he was fine, he just does that on a daily basis. Until I knew that for sure though…I would have been livid if I had been in your situation. So glad you are okay though. You know, the whole time I was pregnant I had a uti (no symptoms thankfully, but it turned up in every urine test at every visit). My oB finally told me in the end that she thought it was either a simple uti that would go away after pregnancy or a possible kidney stone caused by pregnancy. She said either way it should go after the baby was here. I am assuming it did, lol. Thankfully, I never had an experience like yours. Poor Cory. I know he must have been worried.
We bought a Graco stroller and car seat. The car seat was a carrier that easily clicked into the stroller. It worked great for us. The only complaint I have was I picked the car seat based off the fact it matched the stroller and neglected to note it was only rear-facing. I wish I had gone with their car seat that still clicked into the stroller, but was a convertible. Reagan is already too big for his rear facing seat and we’ve had to buy a convertible seat. We bought another Graco, but I wish I would have noted that earlier. The car seat was easy to install though and feels well made (padded, but not suffocating).
Oh no!! HOW terrible. I’m glad you are feeling better. Gosh That’s terrible that you had to sit in the ER and that it took 5 hours for them to see you. NOt cool. Rest up this weekend and drink lots of water!
Biana @ Blovedboston
I’m so sorry to hear about your trip to the er…so scary, but i’m glad you’re feeling better! yay for a sweet little girl! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston