Valentine’s Mantel
I’m gonna be real honest you guys: I’m surprising myself by getting my act together and actually blogging. It may not be much, but I really do enjoy this space of mine and have missed it tremendously the past few months years. Now that I’m not miserably pregnant and we are semi-getting the hang of parenthood, I have a little bit of free time that I’ve been trying to designate towards this blog. We’ll see what happens though!
Now onto the good stuff…. my Valentine’s Mantel!
Ever since we remodeled our house, my mantel has been empty (other than Christmas). Before we even finished the kitchen reno, it was time to head to Rwanda, then I got pregnant as soon as we got home, had a rough pregnancy and Baker was here. So I haven’t even had a desire to find decorations for the mantel.
But I got bored by staring at our empty mantel and decided to spruce it up for Valentine’s Day. I briefly looked for a few decorations at Hobby Lobby last weekend but couldn’t find anything I really liked. After Valentine’s Day I will continue my search for something anything to leave up year round.
What should I put up there? Candlesticks? Pictures? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Other than Thanksgiving and Christmas, I’ve never been one to decorate much for holidays but I feel like my Valentine’s mantel makes our home so festive and cheery and I want Baker to grow up enjoying each holiday.
The puffs were actually left over a baby shower that I hosted last weekend, but since they matched I just left them up. I found the felt “XOXO” banner in the dollar section of Target for $3. #mykindofdecorations
I’ve seen these pom pom garlands all over Instagram and followed this tutorial to make them. It was super easy and cheap and really dressed up my Valentine’s Mantel! It only took about 20 minutes to make both of them and I’m seriously considering making some to add to Baker’s room (because it really needs to be more girly and cute ;).
Again, my Valentine’s mantel isn’t much but I love the pops of pink and red against our white fireplace. When you have a very active 7 month-old, simple and easy decorations are the way to go!

Rebecca Jo Vincent
I’m totally checking out that pom pom garland… though I wonder if Harvey will think they’re little balls & want to grab it down ;) haha
Paige @ Reasons to Come Home
The tutorial does say that their child wanted to play with it so I’m sure Harvey would too! Haha! He reminds me of a child.
Paige @ Reasons to Come Home