Tuesday Tea: Beggin’ for Money
Well, not really beggin’ but we kinda are. If you’ve followed this little blog of mine since last year, you may already know that Cory and I are going to Africa this summer. Last summer, Cory spent two weeks in Rwanda and we will be heading back in June.
I was heartbroken when I couldn’t go last year and swore to myself I wouldn’t stay home again. With planning in full swing comes the tedious task of support letters.
Thank goodness, I’ve got a husband who can write like nobody’s business.
Since he wrote our letter {and has been working 72+ hours/week} I thought it was only fair for me to address and stuff the envelopes.
So for the past two nights, that’s what I’ve done.
In our support letters, we included a self addressed, stamped envelope {which is why I had the printer out} and I knocked those out pretty quickly on Sunday night.
Yesterday I went to the post office and picked up 140 stamps {which won’t be enough} and man, have they gone UP. I worked on these for about 3 hours last night but had to stop because of the major hand cramp I had. These take a little longer because we hand address the envelope and sign the letters but I was pretty proud with how many I got through.
Until I realized I was only half way through our list. We are so blessed to have a long list of family and friends to send these letters too.
Even if it’s a tedious task, this is a part of being a missionary. Missionaries are funded by donations and the best way to get donations is to ask beg. If beggin’ is what I have to do to be able to get to Rwanda to help those sweet babies, you better believe I’m gonna do it!
I’m so excited to be linking up with Jenni, Khala, Samantha and Reneé today with the first installment of Tuesday Tea.
Since this link up is meant to be what you’d share with your girlfriends while curled up on the couch with a glass of your favorite tea, I thought this would be perfect since I’d probably ask my girlfriend to grab some envelopes and start stuffing!

Ya’ll can do it I have faith!! Good luck with everything and what an exciting time! June is right around the corner!
Paige Sloan
Thanks girl! And I know! So much to do and only a few months left. Eeek!
I’m excited to stay in touch and see how this goes! I also have faith that it will work out – what an amazing experience you will have! thanks for joining us today and good luck stuffing those envelopes! xo
Paige Sloan
Thanks so much! Praying I’ll finish up tonight.
So excited for you in these days ahead! I fell in love with africa when i went (as will you) Good luck with the planning–I’m excited to follow along!
Paige Sloan
I looked over some of your Kenya post and excited about reading about your journey. I’ve already fallen in love with my husbands pictures and stories last year. I’m ready to be there!
Khala @ The Birdie Bowl
Hahaha I love that you said you’d have girlfriends stuffing envelopes too! So true! I love that you’re a missionary, and hey, you gotta do what you gotta do just like you said! Keep us posted on how you guys are doing on your donations! And a big THANK YOU for linking up with us today, girl! Can’t wait to see you again! xo
Paige Sloan
Haha…I’m hoping a few of my friends will see it and decide to come help! Thanks for hosting…can’t wait to link up again!
Pamela Bannon
Paige Sloan
Aw! Thank you so much!
Valarie @ Lietzke Letters
Praying that God will provide provision financially for your trip as well as preparing your heart for this incredible opportunity. Keep truckin along girl!!
Paige Sloan
Thank you for the prayers! We need ’em!
What a wonderful journey you are embarking on! I wish you all the best!
Paige Sloan
Thank you so much!
oh support letters. Been there. Praying for you guys.
Paige Sloan
Thanks for the prayers!
Katie Elizabeth
I remember being shocked at how quickly stamp prices add up last year while doing wedding invitations! So excited for you guys and praying that you get everything and more that you need!
Paige Sloan
It’s ridiculous! Thanks for the prayers!
Rachel G
Oh, I know very well the time and effort that raising money for missions work takes! I wish you guys all the best in that, that your work will be generously supported and very effective in accomplishing the work of the Kingdom. What an opportunity you both have!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! It will be worth every second we put into it!
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
Good luck with your fundraising! I love addressing and mailing things – especially things with pretty paper ;)
Paige Sloan
Girl, I need you here to help!
Oh I sure hope you get your financials for the trip! What amazing hearts missionaries have. You do what you have to do!
Paige Sloan
Thank you, sweet girl!
Jenni Frank
HI Paige! I am dropping in from Tuesday Tea…late!
that is SO exciting to be going to Africa!! I have several letters from friends right now raising support for thier mission trips too! It’s incredible what God Calls us too! I may actually have the OPPORTUNITY to go to China this summer…fingers crossed! :)
Happy Almost Friday!
Paige Sloan
Crossing my fingers! What an amazing opportunity that would be.
Y’all have such sweet, loving hearts! I’ll be praying for you.
Paige Sloan
Thanks for the prayers. We CERTAINLY need them!
Kendwy @mindofkiwi
This is so beautiful. Your passion is evident in your writing. god is a god of provision and i know that you shall have all the means to be able to travel. how nice that you are this committed to the work you will ensue.
i pray the best for you and your family.
Paige Sloan
Thank you so much! This just made my day! He is definitely a God of provision and he’s proved that to us time and time again! Thanks for stopping by!