Thursday Thoughts & Five on Friday
It’s been a crazy week of me playing catch up, at work and at home, and unfortunately I just haven’t had the time or desire to work on this little dot com space of mine. But I want to write {which is so weird for me!}. I need to get all these little thoughts that have been floating around in my head down on paper blogged and thought it would be the perfect opportunity for a completely random Thursday thoughts/Five on Friday post.
Please excuse the fact that my title says five because I’m breaking the rules a little today.
linked with darci, christina, natasha and april
1| My mama is normally the first person I call whether I’m happy, sad, excited or just needing to vent. And yesterday was one of those days. She doesn’t try to fix the problem {because it’s nothing we can fix} but she just listens. She tells me she is sorry I’m going through it and that it breaks her heart to hear what me or Cory are going through. She doesn’t rush off the phone, even when I know she needs to go, and before I hang up the phone she makes sure to tell me it will get better and she loves me. She is everything a mother is supposed to be and for that, I’m so grateful she’s mine.
2| Last Friday I mentioned that Cory and I were able to see Ben and Josephine, the missionaries we will be serving in Rwanda. On Tuesday, we were able to meet with Benjamin again, this time with the majority of the Rwanda team, to talk about our upcoming trip in September. And guys…I’m pumped. He gave us an idea of what we will be doing when we get there {this could change 754 times before we get there} but it’s pretty certain that Amber and I will be working with 100+ kids each day.
3| If you know me personally, you know that I HATE going to the grocery store. I try to only go once a month {which never happens} and when I go, I go big so I don’t have to go back. The last time I went and really got groceries was the first week of April and by Monday night we hardly had anything left in our poor kitchen. I was trying to put off the grocery store a few more days and I realized I had the stuff to make a baked spaghetti.
Kind of.
I had some ground turkey, spaghetti sauce, Christmas tree pasta {they were a Christmas gift} and some mozzarella string cheese. Cory and I had the bright idea to just shred the string cheese and viola! we had all the ingredients we needed.
Except string cheese doesn’t melt. Did you know this???
We surely didn’t. So after about 30 minutes in the oven, Cory pulls that spaghetti out and the cheese is crunchy hard but still looks like we had just sprinkled it on top. What in the world do they put in string cheese???
4| Obviously since we were using string cheese for a baked spaghetti, we had to go to the grocery store Wednesday night. The only downfall about going so sparingly is that when we do go, it takes the whole evening and our kitchen looks likes this.
5| What I thought to be a big pack of chicken breast in my freezer (which I planned on using for two meals) turned out to be chicken wings this morning. Now I have to go back to the grocery store tonight. #fail
6| When I got to work Tuesday, these were on my desk. That would be 300+ change of majors you’re looking at. It took me three full days to finish them.
Trying to finish them Thursday afternoon gave me hives on my neck but the good news is…they’re done! Praise Jesus!
Thanks for listening to my randomness. Now, it’s off to finish dinner and get ready for the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. All I know is they better not kill off Cristina. I can’t handle all that.

i just love that chambray top! so cute.
hope you have a fabulous end of the week + weekend lady, sounds like you deserve a relaxing one ;)
I love greys! i don’t think they are killing christina – i hope not, i cant handle any more people dying!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, doll! I just want some time to catch up on everything and hopefully can this weekend! I was really worried after I saw the previews for this week that they would but I still cried like a baby! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Mia @ makemeupmia
My oh my that’s a lot og groceries haha! Love that top in the first pic :) I hope you get to put your feet up and relax a little this weekend!
Paige Sloan
Yes! Too many for my liking! And thank you! I did a whole lot of nothing and it was so nice! Hope you had a great weekend too, love!
OH my goodness, that’s a lot of major changes….eeek! glad that you got them done though, you are a rock start!
grocery shopping can be stressful, i hate shopping when i’m hungry!
happy weekend!
Paige Sloan
Aw! Thanks love! And me too! So glad they are finished. Hope you had a great weekend, pretty girl!
Jessi Otey
ugh I hate going to the grocery store as well so I’m hoping our new journey in meal planning helps! Cheers to good mama’s by the way and I hope you both have a great weekend! xoxo
Paige Sloan
If I go without a menu, it’s always a disaster! So thankful for my mama! Hope you had a great weekend, lovely!
Biana Perez
Moms are the best that way – just listening makes it better! Glad you’re done with all those change of major forms – that did not look like fun! Hope you have a great WEEKEND!
Paige Sloan
Girl, it was no fun at all! So glad I’m done with them! Something about her listening always makes it better! Hope you had a great weekend, lovely!
I’m with you on the trips to the grocery store… i loathe it!! But I don’t know how you only go once a month!! Have a good weekend :)
Paige Sloan
I normally have to stop and grab a few things like milk, bread or fruit but I know exactly what I need, get in, get it and get out! And I really don’t cook very much. We eat a lot of cereal and popcorn for supper :/ Hope you had a great weekend, love!
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
I am cracking up at putting string cheese on a spaghetti bake! It’s a little unsettling that string cheese doesn’t melt – not sure if I want to know why not! I usually try to go grocery shopping every Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons and plan out our meals for the week so I know exactly what to get. Sorry you’ve had a rough week but guess what…the weekend is upon us! I hope you get some good rest!
Paige Sloan
Right??? I’m with you…I’m not sure if I want to know or not. I make a menu too and that may be why I dread it. If someone would just tell me to cook for the week, it wouldn’t be that bad. If I go to the store without a menu, it’s just a disaster! I did a whole lot of nothing this weekend and it was glorious! Hope you had a great weekend, pretty girl!
I always call my mom when i am having a bad day too. she just seems to make everything ok in the world.
Paige Sloan
Exactly! I couldn’t have said it better!
mississippi mrs.
I love this. You look great in those pics by the way!
Paige Sloan
Thank you, sweet friend! Hope you had a great weekend!
Julie Joy
I’m the say way about groceries! Especially because I hate walmart and that’s the only option near our house. Nonsense! How exciting about your trip! How long are you going to be there for? You mom sounds like the perfect mom! I hope that whatever it is that you guys are going through gets better soon!! :) Have a great weekend!
Paige Sloan
Ugh! I hate Walmart too! We will be in Rwanda for two weeks! And thanks love! It helped to just vent to my mom and she seriously is the best! Hope you had a great weekend!
Rebecca Jo
I put off the grocery as long as humanly possible myself.
Mom’s are the best listeners & supporters – always
Your stack looks like mine. I put a picture on Monday how my office was killing me.
Paige Sloan
It must have been something in the water last week! I hope this week is better for you! Glad I’m not the only one to put off the grocery store and Mom’s are the best. Hands down. Hope you had a great weekend, lovely!
Your blog is so lovely, so happy I came across. Love it!
Would love if you checked out mine sometime too so we can stay in touch!
Paige Sloan
Thanks so much, doll! Can’t wait to check yours out!
Katie Elizabeth
Why wouldn’t string cheese melt?! That is so random and I probably don’t want to know why since I love me some string cheese haha. Yay for making it to the store but boo for having to go back so soon! Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend! :)
Paige Sloan
I’m the same way and I have no idea! It honestly stunned me that it didn’t melt at all.