The Wedding Day: Bridal Party + Family Pictures
Catch up on Part 1 of our Love Story here
Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here, Part 5 here, Part 6 here, Part 7 here, Part 8 here
While going over our picture schedule with our photographer, I didn’t really think I wanted traditional family pictures. I do wish that I would have thought it through and chosen a location that was a little less traditional than the sanctuary but nothing I can do about that now, right? Looking back, I am so glad we have these pictures because since our wedding, Cory and I have lost three grandfathers. The pictures we have with them are priceless.
First up was my family…
My mom and dad.
My siblings.
My sweet family {including Gracie’s bare feet}.
The best picture we could get with Taylor. She just wasn’t having it.
My Papa {dad’s dad}.
My Nana {dad’s mom}.
Nana and Papa {mom’s mom and dad}.
Grandma and Papa {mom’s mom and stepdad}.
Next up was Cory’s family…
Cory’s dad and stepmom.
Cory’s brother and sister {on his dad’s side}.
The Sloan family.
Cory’s Grandma {who made the dresses} and Papa {dad’s side}.
Cory and Pappy {stepmom’s side}.
Cory and his mama.
His brother and sister {on his mom’s side}.
The Jones family.
Cory’s Granny and Papa {mom’s side}.
Cory wanted one photo with all his siblings {which didn’t exist before this photo}.
One of my biggest regrets about our photography was not getting more pictures of the bridal party all together. We decided to do these photos when we got to the reception but by that point, we were all ready to just get the party started and skimped out on the photos.
*The ones like this were edited by our photographer and I wish she had done more. I’ve tried playing around on Photoshop with actions but can’t recreate this look. If anyone has any tips, I would love to know.
We are so thankful for the friends that celebrated this day with us. Aren’t they a crazy bunch???
Join me next Wednesday for reception recap!

Rachel G
Aww, you got great family photos! I do think weddings are a great time to take family photos because families aren’t always together all that often. We took one giant family photo of all of the relatives that were at our wedding, and I’m really glad we did that even though we were still missing a bunch of people.
Paige Sloan
I did get some great ones! I wish we had thought about getting a big one with everyone because you are so right, our large families are never in the same place at one time!
Mississippi Mrs
I loooooove the shots of yall in the grass!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! Those are some of my favorite!
Biana Perez
love all these photos – so pretty and the ones with the little girls are so precious!!
Paige Sloan
Thank you!
Rebecca Jo
Truthfully, family pictures are my most dreaded moment of the day. Just seems so boring, takes away the ‘fun’ of the day, but I know how invaluable those pictures are. Those are the ones that grandma & parents frame & put on the mantle.
Yeah – each photographer can use different actions or steps in processing so it would be hard to recreate the look exactly like that, but I’m sure it looks like its saturated down – or ran with a sepia & then taken down to about 70% … just a guess…
Paige Sloan
Yes! Our first Christmas we gave everyone framed pictures from the wedding. Thanks for the tips…I’ll definitely try them!
Mia @ Makemeupmia
Swooning over those pics of you 2 at the end, so precious. And the one of you alone by the tree, gorgeous girl!
Paige Sloan
Thanks so much, Mia! The ones of the two of us are some of my favorite!
Paige Gunter
I love your pictures. They came out so well! There is nothing I would like to redo about our wedding except our pictures. I had friends take them because photographers were outrageous. they did a great job, but none of us were prepared to deal with my family, my extended family that is. They sort of took over the pictures and we lost about an hour trying to get everyone in place. Justin and I ended up with only a handful of bride & groom pics and only 1 or 2 with my parents. I have seen where a lot of couples are taking 1 year anniversary pics though, so I may be able to make up some of the pictures we had wanted. :)
Paige Sloan
My best friend got married a year before I did and had a bad experience with her photographer. She was really disappointed with her pictures and I knew I didn’t want to go through the same thing. The photographer was the one thing I was willing to spend money on because it was really the only thing we walk away from the wedding with {other than being married}. My photographer was so organized and kept on schedule and for that, I’m so thankful! Really large families have a tendency to cause some craziness! We did pictures for our first anniversary and I love them!
you have some amazing photos from what looked like an amazing day! i love the one of you and your girls being silly.
Paige Sloan
Thank you! I had no idea they were all being silly! But we do have some awesome pictures, if I say so myself!
Gemma Donohue
Omg beauty is everywhere
This pictures ate just amazing.
You loik like so FABULOUS
Like areal Princess.
Absolutely WONDERFUL post.
Paige Sloan
A princess??? Woah! I feel so special now :) Thanks for the sweet words!
Julie Joy
Eeeek! So pretty!!!!!! I totally agree with you on not getting enough pictures of the bridal party! We didn’t at ours either! And if it makes you feel any better, you got way more than I did! :)
Paige Sloan
Thanks, doll! I wish my photographer had stepped up and said “Hey, you may want this!” but I get why she didn’t. I can’t complain though because she got some great photos!