The Most Emotional Weekend Yet.
You guys, this weekend was rough on this hormonal, emotional mama. Friday, I was sitting at work when Cory called. Do you ever have those moments when as soon as you pick up the phone, you know something is wrong? The type of phone call that no mother or wife ever wants to get? Yeah, it was one of those.
His first words were “I was just in a bad wreck. I flipped my truck.” I responded with “Where are you? I’m on my way.” Before I hung up, I did think to ask if he was okay and he said “Yeah, I’m out of my truck.” I hung up the phone, grabbed my purse and ran out of my office…
…only to remember that half of Clemson was shut down due to a triathlon. So I called my mom, who was less than two miles away, and asked her to go until I could get there. She called back when she got there to say he was okay, out of his truck, walking and talking with a paramedic. She reminded me to slow down and take my time getting there. What normally would been a 25-minute drive took me close to 45 minutes and that was the longest 45 minutes of my life, y’all.
As I came up to the scene of the wreck, even though I knew he was okay, I couldn’t help but panic again. Firetrucks where everywhere, traffic was backed up, and his truck was flipped on its side. I found him, wrapped my arms around him and didn’t want to let go.
By the grace of God, Cory walked away from this wreck. It could have been so much worse than it was but his seat belt and the airbags protected him as he flipped and slid about 50 feet.
He had refused to go the hospital at the scene of the wreck because he didn’t want to leave before I got there but I convinced him to get checked out Friday evening. And I’m thankful he went. They were able to give him some medication to help with the soreness and he’s definitely been glad he had them. I think after the initial adrenaline wore off, he realized just how sore he really was and it’s only gotten worse over the weekend.
My boy was in this, y’all.
He was a part of this jumbled up mess of glass, parts of his dashboard and yes, even blueberry pie his grandmother had made. He was pretty upset about the pie. You don’t let a good blueberry pie go to waste like that! You guys, it was evvveerrywherrrre. He was even finding it on himself. Bless it.
Just in case your husband flipping his truck while you are 6 months pregnant is not enough to make you wanna sit down to a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and sob your eyes out, I also had to say goodbye to the home I grew up in Friday evening. {By the way, it doesn’t even look like Cory just flipped his truck hours before, does it?} My parents have had their house on the market for a few months and this past Friday, they closed on my childhood home, had it completely empty and were leaving the key for the next owner. Minus my older sister, we all met up there to say goodbye to the place we’ve all called home over the past 22+ years. The house we’ve now dubbed as “the farm” holds almost all of my childhood memories from roaming around on the 15+ acres we had, exploring the creeks and pond, playing on hay bales, hanging out in the barn with my friends {yes, we did that}, summers in the pool, proms, high school graduation, college graduation, getting married and moving out and of course, we can’t forget that I have spent every single Christmas there, even since Cory and I got married.
But my parents, just being the two of them and my younger sister now, no longer needed this big ‘ole house and since they no longer have horses or cows, the land just became more hassle to keep up. They are both really excited to get into a smaller place, where it doesn’t take all day to clean and the yard can be cut in 30 minutes and I’m so happy that they have found the perfect little house for them. And I can’t forget to mention that it is literally in our neighborhood, one street up. Some people would HATE living so close to their parents but me? I love it! I’ve always been super close to my parents, and so is Cory, so we don’t mind them being almost in our backyard.
By the way, don’t I just have the most beautiful family? I know I’m biased and super sappy after Friday but I’m just so thankful for this group of people. I literally could not do life without them! So, hug your family a little tighter tonight. Tell your husband you love him, kiss him before he leaves, snuggle at night and praise God when he is kept safe. It’s these things we all take for granted but as we learned on Friday, they can be taken away in an instant.
In other news, if you haven’t entered to win my PinkBlush giveaway, make sure you do before it closes on Friday!

Sam | Away She Went
How scary! I’m glad Cory is OKAY! That’s sad about your childhood home, but it’ll be so fun having your parents so close! I wish my parents were only a block away!
Rebecca Jo
oh gosh – I still hold my breath at those pictures.
Praise GOD he’s ok…
I knew he was going to be sore.. its usually that 3rd day that’s the worst.
I can only imagine how stressed you were trying to get there :(
I am so glad cory is ok! That had to be the worst call and sight to see!! I wouldn’t have held it together in the same situation. And I feel you on the childhood home. My parents moved out of mine a few years ago and it is sad! I hope your week gets better girl!
Julie Joy
Holy moly what an emotional weekend for you! Im so glad that cory is okay!! He definitely had an angel watching over him!
Oh my goodness!! I am so thankful that he is okay. How scary.
So scary! Those pictures are terrifying–I’m really, really glad he’s safe and okay. What a roller-coaster of a weekend for you, but I’m glad everyone came out on the other side all right.
Oh my gosh, Paige! How scary! I am so glad he is okay. I can only imagine how afraid you must have been. I hope his soreness goes away soon. Glad you talked him into going to the doctor.
I hate that feeling. It happened to me a few years ago with my dad when I was still living at home. I noticed a tree branch had been moved out of the road in this terrible spot one morning. It is really a turn on a hill. I remember when I saw it I just had this horrible thought that my dad had hit it that morning (He left for work at 4 every morning and it had been raining when he left.). I told myself I was crazy and went to work trying to shake the feeling. When I called my mom at lunch that day, she told me he had called her after I got to work and told her that he had hit a limb in the road- the one I had seen on the side of the road. He was fine (and thankfully nothing as bad as Cory’s accident had happened). His side mirror and the front of his truck had been scratched up and damaged pretty badly, but my crazy daddy was actually able to use his new wench to move the limb out of the road when help came to cut it. As scary as it was, it was actually a blessing to many people that Daddy was the first one to come up on it. He had a much larger truck (unlike my little one at the time ) and he was careful in the rain and not going the full recommended speed. There are alot of elderly couples on their country road who have smaller cars. Had any of them or even myself come up on that limb in our vehicles the accident would have been much worse. It is pretty amazing/scary that we can have that intuition about those we are close to and love.
I hope your parents enjoy their new home. I’m sorry you had such a rough weekend though. Just think, your sweet baby girl can help make all the new (even better) memories in their new home. That is awesome that they moved so close. I actually think that if we ever move, it will have to be closer in the country to my parents. Your sister will be closer to her niece and your parents will be right next to their new mommy daughter and grandbaby! I know they must already be loving their new home.
Katie Elizabeth
Oh girl, what a weekend! SO glad to hear that Cory is okay – how scary. Someone was definitely watching over him!
Amanda elizabeth - meet at the Barre
Oh my goodness. I am so happy to hear he is okay but how scary!!!!
oh paige, i am so so sorry. thank goodness he is okay! sad about the pie though :( but seriously, thank goodness he is okay.