Pink & Gray Nursery Inspiration
EEK! You guys, this nursery inspiration board has been in the works for a few months now and I’m beyond excited to share with you my plans for our favorite girl’s nursery!
DIY Chevron Pumpkin
After my fall mantel post last week, I had some requests to share my DIY Chevron Pumpkin tutorial. I actually took these pictures last year when I did the pumpkin but never got around to doing the tutorial. The pictures aren’t the greatest but hopefully they’ll do the job! Supplies you’ll need for your chevron pumpkin: A pumpkin {real or artificial-I used an artificial one} Frog tape {or any type of painter’s tape} Scissors Paint {I used regular craft, acrylic paint} Foam paint brush X-acto knife To start, you’ll need to decide how big or small you’d like your chevron pattern and cut your tape accordingly- I cut mine 3…
Burlap Fall Mantel
I know I missed the whole first day of Fall craze here in blogland but in all honesty, I’ve had my burlap fall mantel up since the end of August. I was hoping to get this post up before we left for Rwanda but that just didn’t happen {obviously!}. I decided to switch my mantel up from last year partly because it is geared more towards Thanksgiving but mostly because I just wanted something different. I originally planned on changing it out closer to Thanksgiving, since we really don’t decorate for Halloween, but I’m pretty crazy about my burlap fall mantel, so we’ll have to see! This chevron pumpkin was actually a…