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  • Pregnancy

    Week 16 Bumpdate

    Oh hey, bumpdate! 16 weeks pregnant and I think yesterday was the first day I actually felt pregnant. Maybe it was the tank top I was wearing or my stomach feeling really tight and bloated but I felt like the bump made a big appearance! And for the first time in my life, I have a booty!

  • Pregnancy

    Week 15 Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 15 weeks, 4 days Size of Baby: A navel orange and a whopping 4 inches long! Gender: Well…I had to have another ultrasound yesterday and I asked about the gender. At first, Morgan, our ultrasound tech, couldn’t tell because Hot Pie was literally standing on it’s head but after our appointment with the doctor she took another look for us {so, so sweet!} and got a few good pictures! We will find out on the 21st at our gender reveal. EEEK! Movement: No movement yet. Everyone says I’ll know it when it happens so I’m depending on that! Sleep: Only one crazy dream this week and other than Saturday night, I’ve slept…

  • Pregnancy

    Week 14 Bumpdate

    Don’t  I look exhausted in this photo? It’s because I am. It was dark outside, we had to use a flash and all I wanted to do was put my sweatpants. It’s only Wednesday but this mama needs a long, long nap. How Far Along: 14 weeks, 4 days Size of Baby: A lemon! 3.4 inches long! Gender: It was too early to tell at our last ultrasound at 12 weeks but I’ve said boy since we found out and I’ve had dreams with a baby boy in them. Cory is still holding out for a girl. Movement: Still too early for movement, I think. If I’ve felt any, I probably…

  • Pregnancy

    My First Trimester and 13 Week Bumpdate

    Wow! Wow, wow, wow, you guys. Cory and I have been blown away! We have received so much encouragement from you guys and we can’t thank you enough! I have so much to share from the past 13 or so weeks so let’s get started because this is a long one! Cory and I were trying to get pregnant but we kept it very hush, hush. We actually planned on starting to try for a baby after we got home from Rwanda in 2014 but I fell in love with the country and just knew I had to go back this past year. And yes, I have cried many a night knowing…