T-Shirts for Rwanda
With the kitchen renovations happening, I’ve barely mentioned our upcoming trip to Rwanda but we’ve been working behind the scenes preparing for some big fundraisers this summer. We have a lot of money to raise since Cory will be spending a whole month there! Yes, you read that correctly. Cory gets to spend the whole month of September in Rwanda and I will be bringing the rest of the group for the last two weeks. I’m a tad bit jealous.
To help us with the cost of the trip, we had these awesome t-shirts designed by Fund the Nations and are selling them for $20 plus $4 shipping if you aren’t in the upstate of SC. We have youth and adult sizes and accept PayPal.
The Love With Your Hands shirt is inspired by 1 John 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.(NIV)
Contact me here to get your order in today!

i hope you’re trip goes well!
your. d’oh.
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
Yay, you’re going back! So excited for you and Cory! And I am loving the shirts girl, hope your week is going well!