Stuck on the Roof No Mo
This past weekend Barnabas X had our big “Stuck on the Roof” fundraiser and we were overwhelmed at the response and love that was poured out to us. Our original goal on Friday was $1500 and we planned on staying on the roof of my dads store until we raised it. After two hours, we had already surpassed $1500 so we got brave and decided to raise our goal to $4000. Go big or go home, right?
Last minute prep work Thursday night.
I had to work Friday morning so I stole these pictures from Facebook. I can’t say how much we appreciate everyone helping us set up. It was hot, y’all. Blazing hot.
This would be our pastor on the far right and his wife on the far left and this was all over Facebook. I can’t help myself but bahahahaha!
Rwanda team on the roof!
Cory claims to be scared of heights but was all over that roof and basically hanging off the edge yelling “help” {in the most God awful voice possible} at people.
This was as close to the edge as I got and I had zoomed in for this photo.
Contrary to popular belief, I had not peed my pants. It was that hot.
When Sandra text to ask if we were still having fun, this was the response she got.
As we were preparing to move to the back of the store to get set up to stay the night, a donor “rescued” us and met our goal! We raised $4000 in less than nine hours!
Happy to be back on solid ground!
After all donations were counted, we ended the weekend with right over $4300. God is so good!

OH my gosh, that is so awesome that you guys surpassed your goal by that much! way to go.
Paige Sloan
Thank you! It was so hot up and we were thrilled not to have to sleep on the roof!
Jessi Otey
wow! Way to go! and ps- you rock bc I am SUCH a baby with heat haha
Paige Sloan
Thank you! The heat was ridiculous!
Mia @ Makemeupmia
That is so awesome, over $4000! Look at you! God is good :)
Paige Sloan
We were jumping with joy (when we got back on solid ground, of course) at the amount we raised! We were very blessed.
Rebecca Jo
That is the coolest way to raise money… well, maybe not the coolest, but you know :)
Paige Sloan
Haha…I should have recorded some of the looks we got as people passed by. Definitely wasn’t the coolest but did catch a lot of attention!
Katie Elizabeth
I can only imagine how hot it was up there!! Yay for going over and above your goal! God is so good :)
Paige Sloan
We were so blessed by such generous people! I think He just knew we couldn’t take the heat much longer :)
Rachel G
Whoa! You guys really surpassed your original goal by a lot! What an adventure, and yeah, I bet it was crazy hot up there!
Paige Sloan
So thankful we didn’t have to spend the night!
Paige Gunter
Wow, Paige, what a great idea! I have to say, in a southern summer, I would donate to get just about anyone off of a roof. :)
Paige Sloan
Girl, we were praying people felt that way because it gets so hot in SC!