St. Lucia Honeymoon part 2
Catch up on Part 1 of our love story here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here Part 4 here, Part 5 here, Part 6 here, Part 7 here, Part 8 here, Part 9 here, Part 10 here, Part 11 here
We planned two excursions while on our St. Lucia honeymoon and by Tuesday afternoon, we were ready to venture away from the resort so we booked our first excursion for Wednesday.
On Wednesday, we did a speed boat tour around St. Lucia.
The tour took us by Marigot Bay- home of Dr. Doolittle.
Jade Mountain where Jake proposed to Vienna on The Bachelor.
The Pitons- St. Lucia’s most famous landmark. Our tour guide called them “boobies” because, well they kinda look like boobies.
After Cory lost his most favorite hat ever :(
The Jalousie Plantation Resort, between the Pitons, where we snorkeled.
This was looking down from the dock.The water was so clear and they said the visibility was 20-40 feet.
My boy after snorkeling which is extremely tiring, by the way.
The town of Soufriere where the worlds only drive-in volcano is located. The volcano has a sulphur spring where you can take a mud bath.
Yeah…the look on everyone’s face pretty much describes the smell.
Turns out, muddy sulphur water stinks and stains.
The sulphur springs that cause the muddy run offs.
The smell seriously gagged us.
From the sulphur springs, we headed to the Botanical Gardens to a naturally hot Mineral Waterfall known as the fountain of youth. What I don’t have a picture of is the “restaurant” we ate at on our way home and I used the word restaurant very lightly because it was seriously someones house. We just pulled up and this little old lady had a meal ready for us and we ate it outside on her porch. St. Lucian food at it’s finest and it was delicious. What wasn’t delicious was getting back on the boat and getting sea sick as a dog on the way home.
Nothing a little pool time and a brick oven pizza wouldn’t fix!
My handsome boy at Barefoot by the Sea for dinner.
I had the best steak and shrimp I’ve ever had in my life this night. What I’d do for another one of those!
Beautiful views from the lobby. The skies and water were so clear midweek and on.
After breakfast on Thursday, we headed on our second excursion which was zip lining over the tree tops. It was about a 45 minute drive from the resort so we were able to see most of the island.
Castries, the capital of St. Lucia
Not even sure how this happened? St. Lucian drivers are crazy!
Our tour guide had a girl on our bus convinced that these were the zip lines. #seriously?
Cory is terrified of heights so he was a little worried about zip lining at first but you really couldn’t tell how high up you were because the tree tops looked like the ground. If you could really see how high you were, it would have freaked us both out.
Of course this was one of the first lines so that really is the ground.
Now you can see the tops of the trees.
We survived and had a blast! The views from up there were amazing and I would definitely recommend zip lining if you plan on visiting St. Lucia.
Of course, I was attracted to the only dog I saw the whole trip. Turns out, you’re not supposed to approach strays in foreign countries but look at the way he’s looking at me! I wanted to take him with me :(
On the way back to the resort, we stopped at some different places that had some gorgeous views. This was the view from a fire station.
My memory is slipping me but I think there was a part of Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed here. Any one know?
After getting back to the resort on Thursday, we headed to the beach and waited for the sun to set.
Dinner Thursday night was a street party!
I had originally planned on this being my last recap of Our Love Story but it ended up being way too many pictures so I decided to extend it just one more week to finish our honeymoon recap. Check back next Wednesday for our last two days on our St. Lucia honeymoon!

Biana Perez
St. Lucia looks heavenly!! We’ve never been and it’s the perfect tropical vacation!! I love zip lining – we’ve been a couple of times and it’s just the perfect excursion!
Paige Sloan
It was heavenly! And we’ve wanted to go zip lining again but don’t have anything local :(
it looks so amazing! love the pictures.
Paige Sloan
Thanks, Kristen!
Mia @ MakeMeuPmia
I think I’m going to have to add St Lucia to our list, so so pretty! We loved zip lining too :) St Lucia drivers sounds about like Mexico ones haha, so crazy.
Paige Sloan
Are they that crazy in Mexico? Wonder why they are all so crazy??? I definitely recommend adding it to your list!
Katie Elizabeth
Love the zip lining pictures! THat was one thing I’m sad we didn’t do while in Hawaii… but I guess we’ll save it for the next trip :) Can’t get over how clear the water is, so pretty!
Paige Sloan
Perfect excuse to go back, right??? The water was the prettiest I’d ever seen!
Rebecca Jo
I’d be going up to every stray – & probably sneak some home :)
The looks on faces at that mud pit :) haha Anything with the word sulfur – yeah, cant imagine it’d be good.
Paige Sloan
I wanted to try! The faces are some of my favorite! Luckily, it did come out!
Gemma DOnohue
Omg i dont know what to
Say, because the pictures
Are so beautiful.
Looks like you guys have the
Time of yiyr life :)
Outdoor sport is such a goid
Thing to do :)
Amazing post darling
Paige Sloan
Thanks, love! We did have the time of our lives!
Julie Joy
What a beautiful honeymoon! Too funny about the muddy sulpher! Yuck! We went ziplining on our honeymoon too! How fun!!! And I was just thinking about recapping our honeymoon because time hop reminded me this week that it was one year ago we were there! :)
Paige Sloan
I’d love to see a recap! Where did y’all go? We should have known about the sulphur but while in St. Lucia, right? Haha!
Lisa Loves John
Paige! Your honeymoon looks amazing!! John and I wanted to go to St. Lucia, but the plane tickets were soo expensive! Maybe for an anniversary, though. Your pictures are giving me travel fever :) :)
Paige Sloan
Yes! The plane tickets were almost as much as the week stay at the resort but it was worth every penny! It would be awesome to go back especially for an anniversary!