Spring Break Trip to the NC Zoo
Over Spring Break, Cory and I took Baker on a short trip to Asheboro to visit the NC Zoo. We left after Cory got off work on Thursday evening and got to Asheboro late that night. If you follow me on Instagram, you may remember that when we got to the hotel, it was after midnight and the first room they put us was occupied. 😳 Yep, we walked straight in to a room with people sleeping in it! Lock your hotel doors, people!
Anyway, we woke up the next morning and had breakfast at the hotel before spending the day at the zoo.
Baker checking out the map and making sure Daddy was going the right way. 😂
We were a little worried that Baker would be too young to really enjoy the zoo but she had a blast and so did we!
She especially loved anything that was swimming. She would have been completely satisfied staring at the seals and polar bears all day. I think the aquarium will be our next adventure.
It’s in the video at the end of this post but one of the polar bears was swimming laps around his enclosure. You could go below the tank to see him underwater and would swim by and push off the glass right where Baker was standing. She would squeal with excitement, every single time.
We had no idea how Baker would take a nap but knew she’d have to have one at some point. She had gotten out of her stroller before lunch and got super cranky when we were standing in line to get food (the lines were really long). I made her get back in her stroller and after about 15 seconds of fussing, she was knocked out. She slept the whole time we waited and ate. It couldn’t have worked out any better!
But she slept through the gorillas and absolutely would not wake up to see them.
As soon as we left the gorilla exhibit, Baker was awake and ready to see more animals! This poor monkey just sat staring at the wall. As entertaining as the zoo is, my animal loving heart breaks for some of the animals. I know captivity is all some of these animals have ever known but the enclosures seem so small.
So many people stopped to tell us how cute she was in her sunglasses and bow. Of course, we already knew it!
This picture so accurately depicts life with Baker. She spent a good 3-4 minutes running up and down this little ramp, touching each elephant. She is non-stop, you guys.
She is something else, y’all.
On our way back out of the park, we stopped back by the gorillas. Cory and I could have stood there all day watching them but Baker was like “eh, ok”.
By the end of the day, we were all exhausted! The NC Zoo is the world’s largest walk through zoo and we walked the entire time (Cory always choses to walk rather than take a shuttle). I had almost 11, 000 steps by the end of the day!
Here’s a little video of our day from my Instastories…

One Comment
Rebecca Jo
I love seeing kids react to the zoo the first time & which animals they are drawn too.
I am the same way – some of the areas I think are entirely too small for animals. It breaks my heart. I saw one area one time that it was smaller than my bathroom & it had some sort of wild cat – a BIG one too & he just kept pacing in literally a circle – all he could do – & it just looked like he was going insane. BROKE MY HEART!!!!!!!