Sloan Kitchen Challenge | We Have Walls
Goodness, y’all. What a weekend!
A few days ago, I was telling a friend at church how well everything had been going with the kitchen reno and my exact words were “It’s actually gone too good. And that means that something really bad will probably happen soon.” Seriously, up until this weekend, everything during this whole process has fallen into place.
Let me start off by saying that I’ve been sick for a week straight. Like, really really sick. Last Monday evening, I came down with what I thought was a stomach bug {could have been but I think it had to do with the infection I was getting}. I woke up Tuesday with a killer sore throat that I chalked up to allergies and each day, my throat got worse and I started having some pain in my left ear. After the worst nights sleep on Friday night and absolutely nothing easing my throat, I finally gave in and went to the doctor Saturday morning. When the doctor looked in my throat he said “good gracious.”
Not exactly what you want to hear coming from the doctor.
Thankfully, I tested negative for strep but I had an ear infection and “definitely something going on in my throat”. In the future, will someone please remind me to just suck it up and go to my doctor on Friday rather than wait for an Urgent Care on Saturday??
I say all that to say I was zero help this weekend. I tried my best but I think I was just in the way most of the time. Not to mention, I couldn’t {and still can’t} hear a thing out of my left ear and didn’t have a voice until yesterday morning.
Before we get to our progress this past weekend, let me share a few photos of our floor!
Like the awesome blogger I am, I forgot to get good pictures before we moved our stuff back in, covered the floors with construction paper and started rebuilding the kitchen so this is all I’ve got until we get out of the danger zone and can pull the paper back up.
Aren’t they beautiful?? I think I’m in love.
Anyway, back to the kitchen…After getting one and a half walls framed on Saturday morning, we realized we were 3 inches short for what we needed for our cabinets, which were delivered yesterday. The measurement for our cabinets was an inside measurement. We had the same measurement but for the outside of the wall. Due to an exposed beam, it threw the alignment off and it took us the better part of Saturday afternoon and most of Sunday to rethink it, tear down a portion of what we had already built and fix our mistake.
The next aggravation has been this small pantry. Talk about a pain in the butt, y’all! We had to buy the lumber from Lowe’s Sunday evening because Home Depot had already closed and it was so much worse- almost impossible to hammer a nail in to {yes, we’re using hammers because we don’t have a framing nailer. Probably Definitely would’ve been worth it to invest in one}. After getting as far as we could Sunday night, we lacked one anchor/screw thing we needed and called it a night. We started back yesterday afternoon, hoping to finish up all the framing, only to realize it wasn’t tall enough to put a regular door frame and the support it would need in it. We are trying to make it the same height of the cabinets that will be beside it and apparently the pantry needed to be high enough to put an 80ish inch door frame plus a header and cripples which would be about another foot. We already had the top of the pantry built at the same height the cabinets and it was 82 inches. Can’t do much of a header and cripples with two inches! So, we’ve got a contractor friend coming today to take a look at it. Hopefully, we won’t have to tear it all down and start over.
There’s a good chance we won’t have a pantry if it can’t be saved.
We knew we wouldn’t be completely ready to install the cabinets yesterday but were hoping to at least have the framing and electrical done. With all the setbacks, we haven’t even started on the electrical. But the good news….
And our cabinets were delivered yesterday!
They are absolutely gorgeous and I can’t wait to get them in but holy cow, there a lot of boxes. As we were standing there watching one box after another come in, Cory turns to me and says “our kitchen doesn’t look so big now.”
Wanna catch up? Start here:
Staying Right Where We Are
Our House Throughout the Years | Kitchen & Dining Room
Sloan Kitchen Challenge
Sloan Kitchen Challenge | Progress
We’re Moved Back In!

Biana @Blovedboston
Yikes so sorry to hear that you were sick and yes next time definitely head to the doctor before you feel like you can’t go on!!! Sorry to hear about the possibility of not having a pantry, but I’m sure it will all work out! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Katie Elizabeth
Yay! Things are moving right along! Now just hoping you feel better soon – sending prayers your way!
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Aww so sorry you got so sick!! Sounds like a rough one too. And boo to some setbacks, but it seriously looks like you guys have gotten so much done!! Can’t wait to see the cabinets you picked out! Hope you’re feeling better now!
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
I’m so sorry you’ve been siCk!
I hope everything works out with your pantry, can’t wait to see it when it’s all done! Oh and the floors look aMaZIng!
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
Sorry for the cryptic looking letters in my comment, i guess that’s what happens when I comment from my phone. :)
Rebecca Jo
This is all so exciting to watch come together.
Sorry but I would have stepped on the persons toes that said something is going to go wrong. NO NO NO & NO!
Oh girl… hope you’re feeling better. I’m the same way – I put off going to the doctor every time. Glad you finally went.
ugh sorry you’ve been sick girly, that sucks!! i am SO excited for you all! sorry for all the mishaps and whatnot, are you doing every little thing yourselves? that must be so daunting, but i love it – makes me feel like we might be able to do it one day! i cannot wait to see it when it’s finished, hurry up already ;)
So sorry you were sick. :( Sorry to hear you might not have a pantry. We spent a year that way and ended up creating a makeshift pantry with a curtain.
JulIe Joy
I am also in love with your floors! Are they harDwood or are they that piergo Non strat h stuff?! Looks Great! Sorry to hear you were so sick! I hope your feeling better and i hope things Work out with your pantry!
B @ The Sequin Notebook
Yay for walls!!! Hope you’re able to work out a pantry solution, and of course, that you are feeling better!
hope you are feeling better. that sounds awful! bless your heart!! and yay for progress!
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
Get better girl! I bet you are so ready to have your house back :) Making good progress though.