Show and Tell Tuesday | Mission Trips
It’s show and tell Tuesday and today I am linking up with Andrea and talking about mission trips. I’m sure it’s no surprise that I’m jumping in on this one since I just returned from my second international mission trip.
Y’all know I just love talking about Rwanda!
Since I’ve been recapping our trip, I won’t rewrite all the details (there’s a lot) but you can catch up below. I will say that we are so, so blessed to be able to serve the people of Rwanda. Every year, I leave a piece of my heart there!
And who knows? Maybe one day Rwanda will be our home :).
Getting There, Days 1 & 2
Days 3 & 4
Days 5 & 6
Days 7 & 8
A Glimpse Into Our Trip

Rebecca Jo
You know where your heart is leading you :)
… wait… is your blog moved around? I’m confused.
Biana @ Blovedboston
I’ve loved all your recaps of your trip – you all do so much good! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
yay! your blog is back! when i tried to see it last week it said itw as for invited readers only. whew! i love all the recaps.
I have always wanted to do a mission trip so bad!! I think it would be such an amazing and humbling experience, plus it’s such great service! That is so great you got to go to Rwanda :) You are amazing!! I’m sure they will never forget you!!
This trip sounds like it was so amazing and such a rewarding experience. You helped these people a lot :) How amazing would it be to live there someday!?
Pics O Andrea