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Cory,  Rwanda

Saying Goodbye to my Missionary

Yesterday, I dropped my husband off at the airport for his first international mission trip. He is with a small team heading to Rwanda! I told myself over and over that I wasn’t going to cry. What a joke! I cried all day long…on the way there, while we were eating lunch, when I said goodbye, when his plane took off. Seriously, all day. I’m such a baby but two weeks is a long time.

The mission team at the airport. 

Anyways…Cory has my camera so these are iPhone photos and some are blurry but it’s all I got to hold me over until he gets home.

This is his “stop taking my picture” look. 

Heading through security and this is as far as I could go. 

Cory’s prayer for the trip is: that our hands be His hands, our lips be His lips, our words be His words, and that our thoughts be on Him and not ourselves. Please keep him and the rest of the team in your prayers!

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