Pre-Christmas Fun
Christmas with Baker this year was such a fun season and I honestly don’t know who enjoyed it more…Baker or Cory and I! Throughout the whole month of December, we had Christmas activities and get-togethers scheduled, making our Christmas celebrations last even longer, which we don’t mind one bit! We love Christmas around here!
Even though I’m months behind, I’m writing these next few post so I can remember this special time. If I can ever get Christmas recapped, I’ll start on Rwanda 2017! 🤣
Our first Christmas celebration was with my grandparents on my dad’s side! Like most families, ours has gone through cycles where the kids have grown up and started having their own kids, and it kinda brings “life” back to celebrations. Our family has reached that point and it’s just so fun to watch the little ones enjoy their presents!
This sweet boy is so smiley!
Even though Christmas is not about the gifts, how can it not fill your heart to have a house full of children opening gifts?!
This girl would have been thrilled with a bag full of bows!
But she really loved her Minnie plane!
And so did the other little ones! Linc just really enjoyed pushing Baker around on it, though.
This was the first holiday in I don’t know how long that all my siblings were there, so my mom requested a picture to document!
The Lunsford five…just doesn’t sound as cool as “the big 3”.
Gosh, I just love this sweet girl’s face!
I made Cory retake our photo because we were awkwardly far apart and Baker did not like her Daddy being that close to Mama.
Driving around looking for Christmas lights is one of my favorite holiday traditions and I couldn’t wait to take Baker so I could instill share the tradition with her. A few nights before Christmas, we headed out to find some lights!
But not before attempting to get a picture of Baker’s adorable outfit.
Which is darn near impossible these days!
There are some great drive-thru shows around our area but Baker is a little young to spend $20 or more on lights. My mom found a neighborhood that had a smaller light show set to music and it was free! It was perfect because it was close to us and just enough to catch Baker’s attention.
Even though she was sleepy, she really enjoyed the music and flashing lights. We drove around the little cul-de-sac at least a half of dozen times.
We also just so happened to stumble on another house in that neighborhood that had set up a small walk-through area. They had a huge Mickey and Baker loved it (of course! Mickey is her jam right now).
Christmas with a child truly is a magical season. Although some days we all felt like this…
…it was one of the most memorable holiday seasons we’ve had yet! There is just something about getting to experience Christmas through the eyes of a child, let alone your own child!