Our weekend with the three youngest Lunsfords.
We had a full house at the Sloan’s this past weekend. It was busy weekend and I felt like I was running behind the entire time {how I know I’m not ready for kids or at least two teenagers and 7 year old}.
We started the weekend off with dinner, Walmart, Petsmart, and two trips to my parents house on Friday night. When my parents left for their trip it was in the mid 70’s but a cold front moved through and Gracie needed some warmer clothes for Saturday night.
Saturday, my parents’ church had their fall festival and John and Jordan volunteered to help. Their church is out in the middle of nowhere so I took Gracie and we just stayed and enjoyed the festival.
We had no idea that so many people would come. You know the story where Jesus fed 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish? That’s how we felt! The park ranger said over 1300 people showed up and we just knew we were going to run out of candy. Somehow, we had enough.
How cute is this cabbage patch baby? This was one of the best costumes I saw all night.
Thank goodness Jordan was with me because he kept Gracie occupied at the playground. She would have been bored in the first 15 minutes of passing out candy.
When we got done with Boo by the Lake, it was after 7:00 so I ran through and got pizza for supper. We had the Clemson game recording so we headed home to watch the game.
Cory’s night off is Saturday so he slept most of the day but when I got home, he had cleaned the house. I guess he knew I was stressed from keeping up with three extra people and running all over the county!
Gracie wasn’t too interested in watching the Clemson game so we turned on a Ninja Turtles movie in our bedroom. This child loves Ninja Turtles.
She gets it honestly from Cory. If you don’t believe me, read his post about it here.
After a little while, we noticed she hadn’t come in the living room in awhile and found her passed out cold in our bedroom. The next morning she asked me how she got in her PJ’s. Poor thing didn’t even remember us waking her up to change.
Sunday morning felt just as rushed as Saturday. Even though John and Jordan are capable of getting themselves ready for church, it was stressful trying to get three extra people out of bed and showered with just one shower.
One younger Lunsford did get left.
I told him he only had a few minutes and if he was going to shower it had to be quick. It was past time to leave and he was still in the shower.
So, I left.
I guess I get the bad sister of the year award. I’m not too upset about it.
My parents came home Sunday afternoon and told me all about their trip and how beautiful the water was and how much fun they had. Blah, blah, blah. Just rub it in a little, why don’t ya?
I joke.
I am glad they had a great trip because they deserved it but I was ready for them to be home!
3 dogs, 1 child, 2 teenagers and 2 adults is too much for my little house.