Ombre Hair
I mentioned here that I wanted to change up my long brown locks a little and after all your wonderful feedback decided to go with an ombre look. So I called up Brittany {my long time friend and stylist} and scheduled an appointment.
Brittany has been my stylist since we got out of high school and I trust her professional opinion 100% {and her honest opinion because she’ll give you that, too}. This was her first attempt at an ombre style and it was at this point that I think we both started to wonder if it was right. Don’t worry, it was. Brittany is the bomb.
The lighting in the bathroom makes it appear more red than it really is but it was dark and I wanted to get a picture to send to Cory.
Brittany was worried how it would look straight because it’s a hard style to blend but I wore it straight on Sunday and got tons of compliments.
Since this was the first color I’ve had on my hair in years, we didn’t go as extreme as I first thought I would. Instead we used two different colors and really went for a natural look and Brittany did an awesome job blending the two. Next time {since it will most likely be summer} I will probably go for more blonde but I’m loving the change!
Also, a few things I learned after looking at these pictures:
- I’m definitely not a model and felt extremely awkward posing for my
photographerhusband. - My husband is not any better than me at taking pictures. Sorry they’re blurry.
- I squint 100% of the time if I’m outside during the day. I have small eyes but I promise they aren’t that small.

SO PRETTY!!! I love it!!!
Paige Sloan
Thank you, sweet girl!
It looks fabulous! Your friend did a great job! It blends so smoothly it looks natural. And you totally could pass as a model :)
Paige Sloan
Didn’t she? She really is the best! And you’re too sweet :)
Katie Elizabeth
OMG your hair looks amazing! I’m in the same boat with not having really done any color to my hair but I think you’ve convinced me that I need to try this. I love how natural the ombre is!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! I love the change and the best part is I don’t have to go back every 4-6 weeks to get my roots done!
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
I love the ombre hair…it turned out great! I have a photographer husband too. I’m lucky if I get more than two pictures before he gives the camera back!
Paige Sloan
It all depends on the day but there’s always a few eye rolls and groans from my photographer.
laynah rose
Oh good heavens it is gorgeous! And You look beautful, I didn’t even notice that your eyes looked small. Funny how we are our worst critics.
Paige Sloan
Amen to that! And thank you!
Gorgeous! Looks great!
Paige Sloan
Rachel G
That’s definitely a subtle ombre, a great style to start with if you don’t want to make any huge color commitments!! :) And that’s the same way I was taught to do ombre, I’ve heard there’s a couple different strategies but that one looks perfectly normal to me. :)
Paige Sloan
I will probably work my way into more color but chickened out on anything too drastic. Another lady in the shop walked in and the first thing she said was “What in the world is she having done?” It looked a little crazy!