Oh hey, Friday!
Y’all, it’s been one heck of a week at the Sloan house. We were coming off a high from an awesome yard sale {and our final fundraiser} last weekend and like a brick wall, BAM the devil stopped us dead in our tracks.
That’s normally how it goes, right?
From running out of gas multiple times in Cory’s old truck to immunizations to a yellow jacket nest, we’ve been tested over and over this week. We’ve been frustrated, snappy and just downright rude to each other. I know I can’t be the only one who has these bad days with their husbands, right?
Just keeping it real.
Even though this week has been very trying, I finally feel like our lives are getting back to normal after weeks of fundraising. We are caught up on all our thank you letters and had a home cooked meal every night this week {and I made 3 of ’em!}. It’s been nice having my evenings free to do things like go to the grocery store {not really, I hate the grocery store but I do love having food in the house}, cook dinner and snuggle my pups. I’m telling you, my productivity has been through the roof since I put down my computer this week. I was even able to fit in a load of laundry and a bath for Hampton last night but I really have missed this little blog of mine and so excited to get back into the swing of things.
So without further ado, here’s some of my Friday favorites!
ONE | As busy as we’ve been the past couple weeks, I’ve been braiding my hair. A lot. I haven’t braided my hair in years but was tired of always wearing it in a pony tail. When my hair is braided, I at least feel more put together even if I don’t look like it.
TWO | Who wouldn’t love spending more time with this face??? So glad his ears are starting to grow back out because he is finally starting to look like my Einstein again.
THREE | Y’all, the last time I had a shot was fifteen years ago when I moved to public school in 6th grade. {Has it really been fifteen years since I started middle school???} For the past nine months, my biggest fear concerning our trip to Rwanda has been the immunizations and Tuesday I had to get three shots to be cleared for travel. I have to say that I’ve come a long way in fifteen years and didn’t shed one tear however yellow fever and tetanus got the best of me and my arm is still sore!
FOUR | Wednesday night while mowing the yard, Cory found a yellow jackets nest the hard way. All evening his ankle was swollen and itched but when he woke up Thursday morning, his foot looked like this…
I’m not the most compassionate person in the world but I really do try in situations like this when my husbands foot is twice {or three times} the normal size. But I just couldn’t help myself Thursday morning, when he came hobbling in the bathroom to show me. I had to get one good laugh in. Worst wife ever, I know.
FIVE | Ridiculousness. Do y’all watch this show? Cory and I love it…maybe a little too much. We are notorious for setting a show like this or Kitchen Nightmares to record and before we know it we have 70 episodes on our DVR. Weeks like this one when there isn’t much to watch and we need some back ground entertainment while writing thank you notes, for example, we love to watch episode after episode of this show. I laughed so hard last night I thought I was going to cry.
So there you have a glimpse into our crazy week. This weekend is going to be a good one because we have the gender reveal party for Cory’s best friend Daniel and his wife Tiffany. I can’t wait to find out if Baby Capps will be a boy or girl. I’ll be sporting my pink :)

Rachel G
Oh my goodness, thanks for the warning to stay away from yellow jackets. I’m no fan of immunizations either. I got my Tetanus booster a few months ago and my arm was seriously sore. We also opted to get the Typhoid vaccine pre-CHina but there’s an oral vaccine for that one and I liked that better. :)
Paige Sloan
I started the oral vaccine for Typhoid on Friday. Did it make you sick? Cory got really sick from it last year but haven’t had any problems yet but I’m fixing to take the second of four doses :/
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Oh my gosh. It sounds like a rough week for sure. Hope you guys have a more relaxing weekend!
Paige Sloan
Thank you!
Kateri Von Steal
I would giggle too if my fiance came in with his foot like that.. and then feel really bad about it… well a little bad. I hope the swelling has gone down since.
And, I have been wanting to braid my hair, but, in preparation for the wedding, I’ve been getting it trimmed, and my stylist added a layer, i’m just too scared to even attempt a braid, and have it look all discombobulated.
Paige Sloan
I just couldn’t even help but to laugh! And thank you…he’s my baby boy! I’ve got some long layers in my hair and have little pieces that stick out but it doesn’t really bother me!
Your pup is adorable :)
Paige Sloan
Thank you!
Rebecca Jo
Every time I get a flu shot, my arm would hurt for a week – I don’t get them anymore.
I love braids in the summer. Perfect frizzy hair fix :)
Paige Sloan
I’ve never had a flu shot because I’ve avoided all shots like the plague the past 15 years! My hair has been so frizzy and unmanageable this summer!
Oh man I can’t even remember the last time I got a shot. And omg that’s crazy what happened to Cory’s foot! I hope he recovers fast. But omg I LOooove ridiculousness too! Never fails to make me laugh so hard.
Paige Sloan
Thank you! It finally did go down this weekend. We laugh WAY too hard at ridiculousness!
Amanda Elizabeth
My arm is still sore from my flu shot that I got on monday!!! We watch party down south as our guilty pleasure….it is pure entertainment!
Paige Sloan
I’ve been almost afraid to watch that one but I bet it is very entertaining. My arm finally stopped hurting this weekend…no fun!
Katie Elizabeth
You definitely aren’t the only one that has “those” weeks with your husband — we’re in the middle of one right now, ha! Just so much going on and we’re both going nonstop… thank goodness the weekend is here :) Oh, and I love your hair in the braid!
Paige Sloan
Thanks, doll! It is almost always when we have a slammed week. Hope y’all had a better weekend :)
I will be steering clear of any yellow jackets- yikes!
Paige Sloan
He’s not even allergic (or so he says). Can’t imagine if he was!
Oh my goodness girl!! Jon found a yellow jacket nest mowing the grass this week too! His armpit was so swollen I couldn’t help but laugh. So your not the only one! hahaha poor babies! Hope your husbands foot is looking back to normal now!
Pretty Little Pursuits
Paige Sloan
His armpit? How painful!!! Cory is the biggest baby when he’s hurt :) But he’s back to normal now.
Lisa Loves John
Love the braid… clean, simple, and stylish! And I’m not going to lie, if my hubby showed be a swollen foot, I may have to let out a good laugh too :) :)
Paige Sloan
So glad I’m not the only one! I told him at least I didn’t panic and freak out on him!