oh hey, friday!
Oh hey, Friday… I’m so glad to see you! I’m finally getting back into the swing of things {kinda} and excited to be joining Karli, Amy and Amanda today!
1 | In all the chaos of the past two weeks, I completely forgot about Einstein’s birthday on Sunday. Puppy mama of the year, right? The worst part is it’s not like I remembered Sunday night or even Monday morning… it was Wednesday afternoon before it hit me.
In order to make it up to Stein, we headed to PetSmart Wednesday evening and spent $40 on treats and cookies. {Not just for his birthday, we were completely out of treats.} We came home and had a party for our baby boy. Happy 6th birthday, Einstein!
Showing his birthday teefs.
2 | I think I’ve already mentioned this a few times this week but Orange is the New Black is my new jam. We’ve been watching it non-stop for a week now. Is it bad that we’re almost through both seasons? We gotta slow down because I don’t think new episodes come out until 2015. Yikes!
3 | Yesterday afternoon I received a scary phone call from my mom saying their house was on fire and she was headed home. Before I could ask any questions, she said she would call me when she had more answers and hung up. It immediately brought back flashbacks to my eight year old self being woken up by my mom screaming “get up! the house is on fire!”
Lightening struck their breaker box and that’s what started the fire but my sister was home and called the fire department. Had she not been there, it would have been a total loss. Unfortunately, they have a lot of smoke damage, no power and you can see the mess it caused. Hotel Sloan has officially opened and is at capacity {we have one couch cushion still available}. We are so thankful for the calls and text by neighbors and friends!
4 | The only positive thing about the fire is my mom had to clean out their fridge {and if you know my mom, you know it’s always stocked} and it all had to go somewhere. Hello, groceries…we sure missed having you around!
5 | My cousin Justin is tying the knot with his high school sweetheart, Ali, this weekend and we are so excited to celebrate with them and officially welcome her to the family! I helped host their shower a few weekends ago and plan on recapping it next week.
Happy weekend, y’all!

Biana Perez
I’m pretty sure you’ve been to more wedding related events this year than I have in the last two lol!! Even though the celebration for your pup was a little late – I’m sure he still enjoyed it!! Sorry to hear about the fire at your mom’s house – but so thankful everyone is ok!! Have a great weekend!
Paige Sloan
Girl, this summer has been packed with wedding festivities but I promise it’s not normally like this! Last summer, we didn’t have any and this was our last one! We are so thankful the fire wasn’t worse than it was. Hope you had a great weekend!
So very sorry about the fire at your parent’s house. That’s scary, I’m glad they are all okay!
Congrats to your Cousin!
Paige Sloan
Thank you, girl! We are so thankful everyone was okay!
hey girl i have no idea when my kitties birthdays are, so dont worry ;) oh your poor parents house, thank goodness everyone is ok, and free groceries is definitely a bonus!
Paige Sloan
Haha…this isn’t the first time I’ve forgotten and we only ever celebrate one of them. Ooops! If the fire had to happen, at least I got a full fridge out of it :)
So sorry to hear about your Mom’s house! I’m glad your sister was home and is ok! I just started watching OITNB last week! I think I’m hooked too!
Saying hi From the linkup!
Paige Sloan
Thanks for stopping by, Katie! Isn’t OITNB so addicting???
Visiting from the link-up! Such a cute puppy! And I am really glad your parents and sister are ok!!Fires are so scary. Have a great time at the wedding this weekend!!
Paige Sloan
Thanks for stopping by Katie! We are so thankful everyone was okay.
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
So crazy about the fire, thank god they’re all ok! happy birthday to your sweet pup, love those pics, just precious :)
Paige Sloan
Someone was definitely watching out for them :)
Julie joy
Oh my goodness! So sorry to hear about your mom’s house! But I’m thankful that they were able to put the fire out before it was a total loss! Too funny about the full fridge of groceries! :)
Paige Sloan
There has to be a bright side, right???
Rebecca Jo
OH MY GOODNESS!!! That’s scary with the fire!!! My husband was in a fire… they freak me out…
Look at your fur babies & their treats :) I love doggie birthdays :)
Don’t feel bad – I’ve totally forgotten one of our dogs a month late!
Paige Sloan
They freak me out too and I’ve never actually been in a fire. The first time our house caught on fire, we were able to get out before it got bad. Glad I’m not the only one who forgets doggie birthdays!
Amanda Elizabeth
Wow!!!! I am so glad it was a total loss how scary though!!!! Side note….my fridge has never seen that amount of contents ever…..parents really are the best right?
Paige Sloan
Girl, mine either! I should have taken a before and after just to show how much stuff she actually brought over!
So sad to hear about your parents’ house! Glad everyone was okay and it can be repaired. Also, OITNB is super addictive – I did the same thing and I’m so bummed it will take forever to come back!
Stopping by from the link-up!
Paige Sloan
Thanks for stopping by, Lauren! We are so thankful everyone was okay. It could have been so much worse. We are almost finished with season 2 and I’m not sure what I’m gonna do!
Omg what happened to your paRENTs’ house is so scary! glad everyone is okay though. And oh my goodness your pup is so cute! Happy belated birthday to him! :)
Paige Sloan
Thank you! He’s a mess! We are so thankful everyone was okay!
Brittany @ PerpetuallyDaydreaming
Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry about the fire. That is scary. I’m glad everyone’s ok and that there is a silver lining – aka your stocked fridge. :) Hope you have a great weekend!
Paige Sloan
It was scary but we are so thankful everyone was okay! The silver lining was awesome :)
Maggie@ Polka dots in the Country
I’m so sorry to hear about your parent’s house, but I’m glad everyone is alright.
On a lighter note, can I be a dog at your house? Y’all DEFINITELY made up for forgetting his birthday, he’s so cute! And I need to watch Orange is the New Black, everybody seems to love that show.
Have a great weekend!
Paige Sloan
Bahaha…you’re so funny, girl! I felt really bad for forgetting. OITNB is so addictive…you’ve been warned! Hope you had a great weekend, Maggie!
Leslie @ Martin Manifesto
Paige Sloan
Thank you, Leslie! We are so thankful it wasn’t any worse than it was.
Your puppies are too cute!!! thank goodness your sister kept cool & called for help! So glad to hear everyone is safe!
Paige Sloan
Thank you, Paige! We are so thankful it wasn’t any worse!