Oh, Christmas Tree!
Since it’s less than two weeks to Christmas, I figured I’d better get on the ball with sharing my decorations especially since my tree has been up for almost a month. Slacker, I know. I’ve searched for the perfect tree for three years now and have yet to find one. This was Cory’s moms tree and she gave it to us when she moved this past August. I’ve always loved it and jumped on the chance to get it when she offered it.
But than we got home from Asheville this past weekend and I noticed half of the bulbs were blown. Cory and I spent hours working on it and couldn’t get all the bulbs to come back on. Hours. My mom came by Tuesday night and had it fixed in five minutes.
I kid you not. Thank goodness for my Mama!
So if you notice some burned out bulbs in these pictures, they were taken before my mom came and saved the day and I was too lazy to retake them.
I’ll be sharing the rest of our Christmas home soon so check back to see the rest!
This post is linked with Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof , Megan @ Honey We’re Home, Mandy @ House of Rose and Kayla @ Home Coming.
Lauryn Roth
i love your tree!!!
Paige @ Reasons to Come Home
Thank you sweet girl!
Dawna Motz
So pretty! What setting did you use on your camera? I always finding taking a good picture of my Christmas tree a real challenge?!
Paige @ Reasons to Come Home
So do I! I stumbled across the setting when I snapped a picture to check my lighting and had to take a picture with it so I would remember it. ISO 3200, F2.5, 1/100 but I did have to play with it a little because it was getting dark outside.
I so love your tree topper :)
Paige @ Reasons to Come Home
Thanks sweet friend!
Kayla @ Home Coming
What a beautiful tree! I love your tree skirt. I’d love if you’d link up to The DIY’ers – and don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a free chandelier! http://homecomingmn.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-diyers-42.html
Paige @ Reasons to Come Home
Thank you! I’d love to link up!