Most Embarrassing Moment
It’s Show and Tell Tuesday over at Momfessionals and today’s theme is your “most embarrassing moment”.
It’s really hard to name just one because if you’ve ever met me, you know that I am the clumsiest person {I really have no idea how I was so good at cheering} and I’ve had multiple instances of falling down {or up} flights of stairs or tripping over myself in public. Those don’t even bother me anymore. My most embarrassing moments are definitely the times I opened my big mouth before thinking.
Like my freshman year of high school. We had just gotten back from summer break and I’m sitting in my Honors English class with the most sweetest, soft spoken Latin/English teacher. We had to do summer reading and then do an oral presentation on our book. I had read The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank with an introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt {that last part is important}.
Well, my teacher called on me and reminded me to state which book I read and who it was by before I started my presentation. So I stood up in front of the whole class to start my presentation and in a moment of panic because I couldn’t remember who wrote the introduction, I said, “I read the Diary of Anne Frank but I don’t know who the author was.”
Insert crickets chirping.
My teacher very softly and meekly said, “Hm. Let’s think about this for a moment.” And the whole class erupted in hysterical laughter. No one could even hear me trying to explain that I was referring to the introduction over all the laughter. Needless to say, I was forced to relive that moment a hundred times well into my college days.
Please tell me y’all remember shirts like this?! They were like baby doll sized and would stretch out!
Another time, also my freshman year, was while watching the Super Bowl with my boyfriend and some friends: The New England Patriots were playing and before I go any further, let me say that unlike now, I didn’t know much about football at the time, let alone NFL football. So anyway, the pregame show was on and they were all “Welcome to Super Bowl IVIIV where the New England Patriots will be taking on…” and I said “I didn’t know they let teams from overseas play in the Super Bowl.”
I eventually learned more about football but mostly from the sideline perspective. My freshman year of college, I was at home one weekend watching a college game on TV with my family. I was also taking Sign Language as my foreign language in school and I saw the backup quarterback signaling the plays to the quarterback on the field. I’m sure I had seen this before, but had never paid it any attention or processed it. Before my brain could say “Wait! No!”, I said, “Is their quarterback deaf? That guy on the sideline is signing to him.”
Chirp chirp.
Moral of the story…no one knows how stupid you are until you open your mouth so think about it for two seconds before word-vomiting and you won’t get made fun of your entire high school career.

Thanks for sharing your moments! I am right there with you about football stuff! If you don’t live it or grow up around it, how are you supposed to know these things?! Happy week to you!
Rachel G
Oh man, these were seriously funny! You poor thing! Thanks for sharing your embarassment with us, though. ANd I definitely remember the stretchy shirts. I never had one, though. Mom thought they were weird, so never bought any of us one.
lisa loves John
hahahaha!! i lOve all of these – but especially the last One! too funny!!
Rebecca Jo
I love when people share embarassing things… makes my life seen so much more normal :)
I totally remember shirts like that
You haven’t changed one bit young thang :)
Paige – Your work is such a delight! Thanks for the smiles!-Eileen
Katie Elizabeth
Hahaha! These are awesome. Thanks for the laughs tonight ;)
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
Haha, this is great! Don’t worry girl we’ve all been there. Lord knows I have these moments on a daily basis! Thanks for sharing!
omg i would have died over those moments! luckily we have all had them.
Julie Joy
Hahah! Those are some priceless memories! Thanks for the laugh :)