Life Lately According to the iPhone
Happy Friday to me! We leave in the morning for the annual SC Ride4Life– a 300-mile bicycle ride to the coast. While I can hardly count the next four days as vacation, it’s probably my favorite part of the summer. I’m pretty bummed my Dad couldn’t get off work to participate because of his new job but more worried about not having my Mama there to do rider support with me. I’ve got big shoes to fill, y’all. When I told my dad we were still going he said, “you know I can’t go this year?” Yes, I know but I’ve still got half a dozen of my favorite riders going. I can’t desert them! Someone’s got to feed them chicken salad.
But shhh…don’t tell my dad he’s not my only favorite rider! I think I’m good ’cause I don’t think he reads the blog. If you’re reading this, Dad, you are still my most favorite!
Anyway…back to a little life lately according to the ‘ole iPhone. I’ve really wanted to use my camera to get some real pictures for y’all, so the other day, I got it out to take pictures of our painted brick. Then proceeded to knock my Canon 50mm lens off the table and broke it.
For the second time. So y’all are getting iPhone updates. #sorrynotsorry
Be prepared for a total hodgepodge of pictures. That’s our life to a tee right now.
I can’t remember the last thing y’all have seen in the kitchen {and I’m too lazy to go look} so we’ll start here.
The first cabinet went in like a breeze!
Even the second and third cabinets went up easy. Surely it’s not gonna go this smooth??
It didn’t.
Remember a long time ago, when we had just started framing all this out, and we had a hiccup with the length of our wall and the length we had ordered the cabinets to? Well, we fixed that but apparently not good enough because our exterior wall has a bow in it about half way up. The measurement is correct at the floor and the top of the wall but right in the middle where the cabinets go? It’s 7/8 of an inch short. So while the first three went in wonderfully, we spent a good couple days scratching our heads trying to figure out what to do.
Thankfully, we’ve got good friends with tons of experience in this type of thing.
During all this, I decided I just didn’t even want a house anymore and I’d live in the cardboard box our lazy susan came in.
Completely over unpacking. Sorry bud, we’ve still got a lot of that to do.
You may have seen this one on Insta but it’s worth sharing again. I just can’t even, y’all.
Good news, though, we have a semi-functional kitchen now!!!
Since these pictures were taken, we’ve gotten more finished, like the microwave installed and all the painting done.
Our first official meal in the kitchen was $1.99 pizza from Aldi. By the way, it was surprisingly good for $1.99 and it fed both of us.
We took Memorial Day off from the kitchen to spend some time with by family and unwind by the lake!
We’ve been having some nasty storms lately and they scare the dogs half to death.
Poor Charley is probably the worst and sparked a new nickname to add to our ever-growing list. “Charley the chaweenie”.
On Friday we headed to the Elberton, GA, the “Granite Capital of the World” (I’m not even kidding, they have a granite museum) to pick out our slab for the counter tops! We are so close!
We almost didn’t do this but I’m so glad we did because {surprise, surprise} I changed my mind. When I saw the color we had picked out, it was totally pink and not what I had envisioned at all. After walking through the whole place, turning down every slab they showed me, I was on the brink of panic attack when Cory saw a slab at the very back of the warehouse. When he asked which one it was the guy said “Oh, that’s Pauline Grey. By far my most popular stone.”
Uh…you could have started with that one then!
Some of y’all may know that I am married to a nerd. He’s a cute nerd but a nerd nonetheless. While in Elberton, he starts talking about the Georgia Guidestones. I’ve never even heard of them, but all of a sudden he slams on the brakes and what do ya know…there they were. Not only did he know about the Guidestones and that they were in Elberton, but he knew all but one of the languages they were written in. When I asked him how he knew about it, he said “Oh, someone told me about them years ago.”
How does he remember stuff like this but can’t remember something even when I text him that morning to remind him???
He nerded out and I humored him by asking tons of questions. He likes to flex his knowledge muscle all the time sometimes.
Curls for days using my go-to mousse. They recently changed the bottle from green to purple and I may have had a meltdown when I thought I couldn’t get it anymore.
After picking out our granite slab, we headed to TjMaxx so I could pick up another rug for the kitchen but they were all gone. So, I bought pants that I didn’t need but are so freakin comfortable.
Saturday morning, Cory got our base boards installed and it just makes everything seem much more finished!
My family on my mom’s side is pretty big and spread out all across the US. My cousin Julia and her family were camping in the mountains this past weekend, so most of the local folks headed out there to spend the day with them. Cory was all “we could get so much done on the kitchen” but you better believe I wasn’t gonna miss the opportunity to see my family.
Of course, we waited until it was pitch black dark and we had been sitting by a fire for hours to take pictures but we were too busy laughing our cheeks off to worry about it. It was a refreshing break from the kitchen!
And this is pretty much how I’ve felt every morning this week since I worked on Monday and we were out until midnight last night chasing this crazy thing around our neighborhood!
There you go…pretty much everything that’s been going on with the Sloans lately. We’ve got lots of prep work to get ready for the ride tonight and wheels will be on the ground by 7:00am tomorrow! Say a little prayer that we have a safe ride this year…it’s gonna be a hot one!
Wanna catch up? Start here:
Staying Right Where We Are
Our House Throughout the Years | Kitchen & Dining Room
Our House Throughout the Years | Living Room
Sloan Kitchen Challenge
Sloan Kitchen Challenge | Progress
We’re Moved Back In!
Sloan Kitchen Challenge | We Have Walls!
Sloan Kitchen Challenge | More Progress
The Day It Finally Happened.
Life Lately
24 Paint Samples

Biana @Blovedboston
Those PALAZZO pants look so fun on you!! I can’t wait to see the full kitchen reveal! Enjoy the ride! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Katie Elizabeth
So happy the kitchen is coming along! This has been a serious project for you guys – I can’t imagine how ready you are for your house to be back to normal! Also, love those pants. They look awesome on you!
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
Your kitchen looks so good! I LOVE your curls, perfection my friend :)
Rebecca Jo
LOOK AT YOUR KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so beautiful!!! I love you had a 1.99 pizza first – haha
Those pants! I need those!
I love you are still going to help all the bikers. They need people like you there – guaranteed! Enjoy it! Cant wait to hear how this year goes.
Isn’t Aldi pizza so SURPRISINGLY good? I love aldi. Loving that kitchen of yours! It is really coming along!
those pants are adorable. and now i want to try aldi’s pizza.
Julie Joy
Oh I feel like I actually know a little bit about what you’ve been up to lately! ;) The pups are so cute! The kitchen is coming along so nicely! And I love the dark wood floors with the white baseboard and then the gray colored wall! Great combo! And yay for granite! Last but not least, I love your hair with pretty curls! I wish mine wasn’t so straight and boring :) Enjoy your bike ride this weekend! Be safe!
jessi otey
Love the pants Paige! My Mom and I were looking for some similar to those but had no luck! Also, like we talked about, I love everything DIY so watching ya’lls progress is so fun!!
The kitchen is coming together well and it looks gorgeous so far! I am sure it will be worth all the stress and work once you are done and settled in
Dresses & Denim
the house stuff is so exciting!! can’t wait for that one day when we’re out of an apartment and city living..i’m sure it’s stressful but so exciting!!
xo welltraveledwife.com
aw the pups!! i always visit roadsideamerica.com when i travel to find the quirky and fun placesspecial to a particular city.