Liebster Award
Bailey at Lew Party of Two and Megan at The Nog Logs have nominated me for a Liebster Award and I feel so honored. This type of thing is normally way out of my comfort zone so bear with me as I step out of my nice little box. The Liebster award is a way for bloggers to celebrate bloggers. It is given from one blogger to another as long as the blogger has less than 200 followers. If you choose to accept your nomination, here’s how it works:
- Answer the questions of the person who nominated you
- List 10 facts about yourself
- Create 10 new questions
- Nominate 5-10 new bloggers that have less than 200 followers.
Ready to get started?
My Questions (some from Bailey and some from Megan):
- What is your favorite TV series? This is a tough one for me because I’ve got soooo many. Right now my favorite is probably The Walking Dead but there are some close runner ups. Just to name a few… Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother, Scandal, One Tree Hill, Grey’s Anatomy, Revolution, Dexter , The Big Bang Theory.
- Where did you go on your honeymoon? We went to St. Lucia and it was AMAZING. And now I’m dreaming of being on a sandy white beach somewhere…
- Why did you start blogging? I have a few different reasons why I started but the first was because I really enjoy decorating my home and wanted a way to share my ideas with others. Plus, mine and Cory’s family is pretty spread out (and will be even more so after this year) so it’s a great way for them to keep up with our little family. Lastly, it’s a great “journal” if you will of Cory and I building our lives together.
- What is one thing you’ve always wanted to do? Go to Africa and guess what? I’m fulfilling that dream this summer!
- What advice would you give to your 16 year old self? Listen to my parents because as it turns out, they’re not morons. My dad has an uncanny ability to be right about everything and if I would have just listened, I would have saved myself a lot of heartache.
- What food could you not live without? Japanese! I could eat it every day.
- What is a beauty product you cannot live without? Concealer! I’ve got awful under eye circles and I need good concealer to cover those bad boys up. My top three favorites are Bobbi Brown Corrector, MAC Studio Finish and Urban Decay 24/7 Concealer Pencil.
- What is one blog you check daily? House of Rose. Mandy inspired me to start blogging and I love how real she is. Plus, she has done an amazing job decorating her house.
- Beach or Mountains? Beach…all the way. I could lay on the beach for hours with a good book. I long for sunshine, warm water and sand.
- If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would you do? I’m not sure exactly what I would do but since I’ve obsessed over The Walking Dead, I know what I wouldn’t do. I would never walk backwards, leave a door unlatched or put a car in reverse in a mob of zombies.
10 Facts about Me
- I am a sinner saved by Grace.
- I have a large family and am the second oldest of five children.
- My younger sister and the baby of the family will be eight this week. There is 18 years between us.
- I have a really addictive personality. Cory refers to it as “The Problem” but I will start watching a show on Netflix and will watch episode after episode for days on end until I finish the whole series.
- I shamelessly like reality TV like the Bachelor and Teen Mom.
- I graduated from Clemson University with a BS in Financial Management but don’t use my degree.
- I cheered while in college.
- Cory and I met when he started working at my families grocery store.
- Cory asked me to be his girlfriend while sitting on Folly Beach watching the sunset.
- He proposed at the top of the light house on Tybee Island while on vacation with my family.
My Nominations are…
- Jonni at My Jolly Little Life
- Hannah at Little Lady
- Katie at Champagne & Suitcase
- Jessica at Shine
- Maggie at Polka Dots in the Country
Lastly, my questions for you…
- What was your favorite toy growing up?
- What was is your favorite vacation memory?
- Worst thing you’ve made your husband (or boyfriend) do for your blog?
- Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and what are they?
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
- Favorite movie of all time?
- If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What is your favorite Olympic sport?
- Coffee or Chai Tea?
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading a little bit more about me and I can’t wait to read your answers so let me know when you’ve get them up!

Rachel G
Hey, my youngest sister is 7, and there’s 15.5 years between us! And your honeymoon location looks like it was gorgeous!!
Paige Sloan
What a small world! I actually took her off because I realized she was nominated already. It was so beautiful. I wish I was back there now.