June in Review + July Goals
I feel like I say this every month but holy crap, June was a whirlwind! Every weekend was booked up months ago, ending with Kristen’s wedding on Sunday. We didn’t get home until after 8:00pm and I was wiped out. I’m still struggling with the long weekend!
Needless to say, I didn’t even think {let alone look at} my goals after posting them a month ago. Overall, I’m gonna give myself a big fat F.
1. Drink more water. No less, but no more, than last month.
2. Walk my puppies. Negative. I’m an awful mama.
3. Eat more veggies preferably in smoothies. Not even one.
4. Paint master bedroom & find duvet cover to match. I haven’t even had time to pick out new rings let alone pick out a paint color and duvet cover.
5. Be content. This month, more than ever, I’ve had to make myself be content. Be content with being behind on laundry and cleaning. Be content with having hundreds of unread blogs on Bloglovin and hitting that “Mark All as Read” button. Be content with taking five days to reply to comments. This blog, is after all, supposed to be about my life. And I’ve learned to be content with living that life rather than spending all my time behind my computer.
6. Be a more intentional wife. While I feel like I’ve made a more conscious effort on being an intentional wife, this will be a goal of mine from here on out. Cory deserves nothing but the best!
7. Spend more time outside in the evenings. This would require we be home to enjoy our nice little patio. We did spend some time at the lake and have enjoyed the fresh air in our jeep, though.
8. Really learn my camera and practice! I’ve had a lot of practice this month with a bridal shower, Ride4Life and a wedding but haven’t really learned it anymore than I already knew.
9. Get better at meal planning. Again, this would require we be home to cook but we did do a good job of using what we had rather than eating out plus Cory did plan a menu and we bought groceries last night. So, technically, I can mark this one as complete, right? Ahem.
10. Wash my face every night. Check! One thing I didn’t want was my face to be broken out at Kristen’s wedding. I missed one night {while on the ride} this month and my face has been tremendously better!
11. Plan Kristen’s shower. See her bridal shower recap here.
12. Save/Raise enough money for Ride4Life. The Ride4Life was last weekend.
13. Start the Tone It Up Bikini Series. Ha! I think I did one. Maybe. My dress fit though so I’m not too worried about this one
Now on to July {which is equally as busy} so I’m being realistic with my goals…
Continued from June:
Drink more water.
Walk my puppies at least once this summer. Surely, I can do that!
Eat more veggies preferably in smoothies.
Paint master bedroom & find duvet cover to match.
Spend more time outside in the evenings.
Really learn my camera.
1. Survive! July is already shaping up to be as busy as June with another bridal shower, two fundraisers for our trip to Rwanda and our last wedding for the summer.
2. Stuck on the Roof. Next weekend, our Rwanda team will be stuck on the roof of my dads store until we raise $1500 for our trip to Rwanda. I’m really not a fan of heights or sleeping outside or the heat so this will be a difficult one but $1500 will pay for one person to go to Rwanda!
3. Barnabas X-Travaganza. Our second fundraiser for our trip is the Barnabas X-Travaganza and we are in full blown planning mode. We’ve got less then three weeks and still have a ton of work to do. Hopefully, this will be our biggest and most successful fundraiser.
And that’s all I got, y’all. Like I said, I’m keeping it realistic!

Rachel G
I’ve heard of roof-sits before as fundraisers but I think you’re pretty hardcore to actually do one!
Paige Sloan
I’ll answer that question when we actually complete it. I’m not sure how “hardcore” I really am :P
Rebecca Jo
I love the “not even one” & “Didn’t even think about it” kinda comments :) That’s why there’s a new month… fresh start :)
Paige Sloan
Katie Elizabeth
I’ve had to take the “being content” road with blogging lately, too. I didn’t even get a post up today and it’s the first time I’ve missed a day but life has just been sooo busy! I like your goal of “surviving” – I think I can handle that one!
Paige Sloan
girl, I completely understand. I got to the point where it would bother me so bad, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. I had to take a step back and remember why I started this blog. I shouldn’t miss living the life I’m documenting just to be able to document it. {if that makes any sense?} Hopefully, I’ll be able to mark surviving off my list!
hope you raise your money fast enough so you don’t have to sleep on the roof, yuck! i’m sure you have, but have you put kale or spinach in smoothies? you can’t taste it and it packs a NUTRITIONAL punch.. and turns the smoothie green :)
Paige Sloan
me too, girl! I’m not very fond of sleeping outside! And yes! I haven’t used Kale but love spinach in them!
Amanda Elizabeth
I’m seeing this lists around blog land today I really need to get on it :-)
Paige Sloan
the list really do help even if I only accomplish a few of them, I at least have them written down to remember!
so glad i have found your blog! it’s so cute. can’t wait to read more. i’ve been seeing all of these goal setting and i need to do the same!
Paige Sloan
thanks for stopping by! getting my goals written down does help with the accountability. you should totally try it!
Girl I loved this post! You got way more accomplished than I did this month! Excited to hear all about the “Stuck on the Roof” goes! :)
Pretty Little Pursuits
Paige Sloan
I seriously doubt that! You are posting left and right!!! Praying it goes great and we raise the money quickly!
Maggie@ Polka dots in the Country
June did fly by and Yay for the goals you did complete! Maybe you could sit on your patio while drinking a ton of water while on Pinterest getting ideas for your master bedroom or taking pictures? Three goals down right there lol. I hope you won’t be stuck on the roof for too long, good luck!
Paige Sloan
Haha! Love it girl! Say a little prayer we raise the money quickly!