IrresistibleMe Hair Extensions
This is a sponsored post but all opinions are 100% mine.
Can I let you guys in on two little secrets? First, I’m definitely NOT a beauty blogger. I prefer posting pictures of my house and my dogs much more than I like to be in front of a camera. Second, ever since I chopped 10 inches off my hair a few months ago, I’ve regretted it every. single. day.
A little back story to my hair…I have a lot of it.
And it’s naturally this curly but it never looks this good unless I’m in Rwanda. What’s up with that??
I got so tired of letting the color grow out that I decided to just chop it all off.
Why? Why do I do this to myself? I never like my hair short but always convince myself it’s a good idea.
So after a few months of letting it grow, here’s me…in all my plain glory! And just so you know, I never straighten my hair anymore. Most days, my hair is air dried before I go to bed and I might spray a little sea salt spray in it before rushing out the door in the morning. I actually had to borrow my mom’s straightener because mine burnt up in Rwanda almost four months ago.
After missing my length so much, you can imagine my excitement when IrresistibleMe contacted me about trying their hair extensions.
Yes, yes, yes, please!
IrresistibleMe has a ton of different options from length, to color, to weight. I went back and forth between the Medium Brown and Chocolate Brown. I was worried that the Medium Brown would be too red and thanks to the help of Blair, she helped me decide on Chocolate Brown.
My extensions are 18 in length and 200 grams in Chocolate Brown.
As you can see, they don’t blend that well with my short, straight hair but like I said, I very rarely wear my hair straight.
So I added some curls.
And I love the results! They are still a little darker than my natural hair color but I like the way it looks!
My mom came over when I had these in and I guess she’s just so used to seeing me with long hair, she didn’t even realize it wasn’t my natural hair!
That has to say something coming from my Mama!
The back of my hair matches almost exactly to the Chocolate Brown extensions.
As I was taking the extensions out, I took out the heaviest 4 clip weft and still liked the way my hair looked without it.
If you can’t tell, I’m really enjoying my long hair again, all thanks to IrresistibleMe!

Biana @ Blovedboston
Love the look of long hair on you! They blended really well! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
i love this on you!!!
Rebecca Jo
Oh my gosh – those look fantastic on you. I like the little darker color – almost makes it look ombre on you.
The curling made all the difference.
Now you get the best of both worlds with your hair!
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
Wow, thwy turnes out amazing! Love the extensions- you cant Tell its not your natural hair!
Julie Joy
I want these bad boys! Ive felt the same way after cutting my hair off a few months ago! I think you look great with long or short hair! The extensions blend perfectly And i would never know it wasnt your real hair! Love it!
Maggie@ Louise at Home
Girl, I feel your struggle! When Carrie Underwood cut her hair into this really cute bob, I was like I want that. I go to the person i had been to before, she had always done a great job so I wasn’t worried. Two hours later, I leave looking like an Asian boy and I called Corey balling my eyes out, it was awful! So of course, I get extensions and I tell myself never again will I cut my hair! It’s back to being long again and I plan on leaving it that way.
Anywho, those extensions look awesome, I love them curly! And your natural girls are a-mazing!
PS, if you’re looking for ways to help it grow I only wash my hair 3 days a week, I use a tangle teezer when it’s wet so it doesn’t break my hair, take Biotin and fish oil and I rarely ever heat style my hair!
Maggie@ Louise at Home
Haha, omg I just realized I said natural girls instead of CURLS! Oh lord, I’ve been stuck inside from this darn blizzard for too long, haha!
love this! they look so good on you. i don’t love my hair short, but it’s easier to style and healthier, so i don’t like it long either lol. i love my irresistible me extensions!