This past Sunday, Cory and I relaunched our community group. The past couple months have been busy and unfortunately our group time was always getting put off and we kind of felt like it lost its focus. We wanted to take the group to deeper level spiritually and really grow and learn with these lovely people. We pitched the idea to Joel and Sandra, our co-hosts, and it turns out they were feeling very much the same way.
While meeting on Sunday, we were talking about where we wanted to take the group and we kept coming back to the word “invested”. We want to be invested…invested in each other and invested in the Lord. That really seemed to be the idea behind our group therefore, our new name was born. Cory and I understand how hard it is to be in between the youth group and whatever comes next {college/careers, couples, young adult…it’s called something different everywhere you go}. We often felt out of place at this time in our life which is one reason we really wanted to lead this group, utilize their talents and help them feel completely comfortable and capable.
So enough with the seriousness because if you want the real good stuff, you’ll have to come to Invested next time and on to the 659 pictures we took with a tripod and timer.
Kidding. Maybe.
I can only imagine what our neighbors were thinking.
You’ll have to excuse me for sharing them all but they are just too funny not to. Go ahead…click on them to make them larger, zoom in some and check out some of these faces. If you don’t want to look through them all, you can go ahead and skip to the end of this post. It won’t hurt my feelings, but you might miss a good chuckle.
Did you catch the photobomber???
I’m so thankful for this group and the friendships that have formed from it. Each and every single person has made the biggest impact on my life {more than they will ever know} and I’d be lost without these crazy fools! I’m excited about the relaunch and thankful that God has blessed me and Cory with this opportunity.
I’m linking up with Katie Elizabeth today for Thankful Thursday!

Now that looks like a fun group!!!
Paige Sloan
They are a blast!
Definitely looks like a great group of people! So nice to have so many great/fun photos to look back on!
Paige Sloan
They are awesome and always so much fun!
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
Having groups like this is so important and special! Love the pictures!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! They are awesome!
Rachel G
haha! It looks like getting a group shot is quite a process!
Paige Sloan
The guys were the worst with their goofy faces!
Rebecca Jo
That’s why God created tripods!
Paige Sloan
They are the best!
Kristal strong
What a Great group you have!! Loved the pics!
Paige Sloan
They are a fabulous group! We are so blessed!
Now that looks like a fun group!!!
Paige Sloan
They are a blast!