I Scream FOUR Ice Cream- Baker Bea’s Ice Cream Birthday Party
I scream, you scream. We all scream FOUR ice cream! Baker Bea turned four back in July and here’s the scoop on her ice cream birthday party on her very own playground!
Now that I’m finally writing this post half a year later 😂, so much has changed. We had no idea that a few short weeks after her party, we would put an offer in on a new house and list ours for sale. It’s bittersweet recapping the final birthday post from our first home because honestly, not living there still stings a little lot. We love our new home- the location, our neighbors, etc. but I would be lying if I said I don’t miss our old house and how it was perfectly us from the dark floors to the tall ceilings (which I reeeeaaallly miss) to Baker’s perfect play area outside.
Enough sap, on to the party recap…
Planning a birthday party during a global pandemic certainly wasn’t the easiest party I’ve ever planned and we debated on whether or not it was safe to even host a party at our home however Baker started talking about a birthday party pretty much as soon as we finished celebrating her 3rd birthday. She already has the short end of the stick by having a summer birthday (no school parties, boo!) so I couldn’t let her birthday pass without some sort of celebration. The majority of the people that attended Baker’s party were people that we had been around most of the quarantine (family and church band friends), we kept the party outside for the most part, and we did have a few guest who sat this one out which was totally understandable. It was fun a day where we got to celebrate our favorite gal and not think about COVID- win win in 2020.
invitations- etsy
I knew it would be best to keep the party outside due to COVID but our house just isn’t big enough to have everyone inside. Plus, we really wanted Baker and her friends to enjoy her new playground. I opted for a later start time because July in South Carolina- it’s hot, y’all. With the later than normal party time, we skipped having a meal and had an ice cream sundae party! In the days prior to her party, Baker told everyone she saw (like random people in Hobby Lobby) that she was having ice cream and cake party- she was. so. excited!
If it were up to me, Baker would have one of those disgusting Pinterest parties every single year (don’t @ me. You know you roll your eyes when you see them). I love party planning and getting creative with the theme- even a super simple theme like “ice cream”. It takes everything in my body to keep it from being over the top although I feel like I get better and better at this every year. Cory would 100% disagree with this statement.
Since we were in the middle of a pandemic, I ordered like 95% of her party supplies online, made one trip to Hobby Lobby, Target and Five Below, and used what I had for the rest.
“4” balloon- fire and creme
piñata- five below
confetti tablecloth- target
ice cream chalk- five below
cake- creative cookie events
all containers- hobby lobby (seasonal)
We had all the best toppings for ice cream sundaes and once we were ready to eat, I pulled out vanilla and chocolate ice cream.
party hats- five below
ice cream lip gloss- target
ice cream bubbles- target
sprinkle treat bags- etsy
ice cream cups- birthday direct
stripe napkins- birthday direct
confetti napkins- target
balloon garland- amazon
sprinkle balloons- amazon
The balloon garland was really easy to put together although the pump that came with the balloons didn’t work so we had to blow them all up by mouth. That wasn’t too fun but well worth it!
I make Baker a banner for each birthday- it’s just kinda my thing. I think I had most of the paper but had to order the sprinkle paper.
sprinkle paper- michael’s
I found Baker’s ice cream outfit at Target and thought it went perfectly with her theme!
We started the party with singing happy birthday to our girl, let everyone fix their ice cream, busted the piñata, then let the kids run free in the unicorn sprinkler and on the playground.
My sweet birthday girl!
This was our first year with a piñata and it was so fun to watch the kids try to break it!
We got one picture of all the kids under the unicorn…
then turned the water on them and watched them run!
I had decided to do gifts after everyone left because the kids were all having such fun time but Cory’s grandmother wanted to see Baker open her gift and then we couldn’t stop with just one gift. Most of the guest had already left by this point but Baker still enjoyed opening all her incredible gifts from her friends.
Although, the biggest hit of all the gifts was a whoopee cushion (which Baker calls a whooshie cushion) that my cousin Jordan gifted her (along with a Taco Bell gift card because he knows our family so well)! From now on, I will give every child a whoopee cushion for their birthdays!
After all the gifts were open and the guest all left, my best friend Jessica stayed to help clean up because she’s that awesome. I caught this picture of the two best husbands/daddies keeping the kids occupied while we cleaned up the kitchen, dining room, and patio.
Gosh, just looking at this picture makes me miss our old living room and all the precious memories it held hosting 3 birthday parties for our girl. Hopefully, our new house and 2021 will provide just as much fun and excitement for Baker Bea as her ice cream birthday party did!

One Comment
balon cyfra 100 cm
Delicious sweets, beautiful balloon decorations, smiling guests and this beautiful unicorn. Wonderful party!