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Holy muscles.

A few months ago, I started feeling a little self conscious about my body. I’ve never been the type of girl who stressed over what the scale says but I could feel myself rotting away from laziness. I started to do some research into clean eating and when I mentioned it to Cory, he was totally game.

So I joined the gym on campus and started planning each meal with a clean menu. And then Cory’s trip to Africa got here. The week before was so busy that I didn’t have time to cook or go to the gym. Every night we had something going on. While Cory was on his trip, I think I fell into some kind of mini depression because I didn’t want to do anything, including going to the gym and cooking for one. 

Let me just say that I plan a menu because Cory and I follow a budget. I don’t do it for the fun of it but because of the benefits: the money we save by having a list of what to buy and then actually using the stuff we buy. I absolutely dread going to the grocery store and then dread cooking even more. 

With that said, I sure as heck wasn’t going to go through all that trouble for just myself for two straight weeks. 

Honestly, missing the gym for the first week was probably all I needed to throw me off the healthy bandwagon. And I had been so good for like 2 whole months {that’s big for me}.

Anyway, I finally made myself pack my gym clothes this morning so I would go to the gym after work. 

Except I forgot that now that students are back on campus, you can forget about finding a parking spot. I drove around and around the gym and couldn’t find a spot anywhere. I knew that if I was having that hard of a time finding a place to park, I could forget about getting a machine I wanted. 

So I came home. 

BUT! I did do a workout when I got home and now I think I might be dying.

This is the workout I did:

30 jumping jacks
5 push ups
25 high knees
7 burpees
10 crunches
7 squats
5 push ups
10 crunches
5 push ups
7 squats
30 jumping jacks
1 minute wall sit
5 push ups
25 high knees
and repeat. 

I was actually supposed to do it 3 times but I had already pushed myself to do the second one. 

It was rough. 

I know it’s been a month since I’ve been to the gym but my work outs at the gym aren’t a piece of cake. 

I try to go 3 times a week and do 30 minutes of cardio, stretch, ab workout, and either arms or legs. I’m typically there an hour and a half but this 30ish minute workout kicked my butt way worse.

Normally I’m not sore until the next day and then the second day is the worst. I did this work out less then 3 hours ago and I’m feeling how I normally do on the second day. Like, couldn’t even hold my arms up to wash my hair in the shower. 

For the rest of the night, I think I will curl up in bed and watch some Pretty Little Liars. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. 

Wonder if I will make it to the gym tomorrow? We shall see {but I’m not counting on it}.

Goodnight y’all. 


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