Halloween 2018
Before Cory and I had Baker, we never dressed up for Halloween. We participated in trunk or treats with our church but typically would wear like a football jersey and call it a day. For Baker’s first Halloween we did a Snow White theme and I think Cory and I enjoyed dressing up more than Baker! Last year, we had only been home from Rwanda for less than 48 hours so Baker was a bee (which we had in the closet) and that’s about all we did. So, when our church announced that we would be helping with a trunk or treat again this year, Cory really wanted to dress up as trolls since Baker loves the movie/show Trolls and Poppy is her favorite character.
So, Cory got to work on our costumes! Yep, he made the majority of our costumes and completely, from scratch, made Baker’s Poppy dress. He was really excited to make the costumes with his newfound skill of using my sewing machine (that I can’t use) but unfortunately, Halloween falls right in the middle of outage (which is a time at his work where they work long hours and long weeks) and he was super stressed about not finishing them. I’m not sure how “homemade” ours will be in the future.
We did order a few things from Amazon like Cory and Baker’s wigs after a failed attempt to pull Baker’s hair up like mine. It was an awful experience that resulted in her crying for at least 15 minutes after I took it down. (insert emoji)
We were both off on Halloween so after nap time, we got ready and headed to the trunk or treat to get set up. We were a little worried that Baker wouldn’t participate because she pitched a fit when we put her dress on her but come to find out, that’s just her being a two year old.
While Cory was in charge of our costumes, I was in charge of our trunk. I really procrastinated though, (thank goodness for Amazon Prime!) and didn’t have much planned until the week of Halloween. I went in to Walmart to get my supplies and realized I had no idea what I was even doing. So, standing in Walmart, texting Cory, he sent me a picture of the troll village and this idea came to me!
I ordered the paper lanterns from Amazon, found the string lights at a local store, and Cory and I cut out the pods, spiders, and flowers from card stock. My friend (and trolls partner) made the mushrooms and the sign!
Dj Suki, Poppy, and Branch coming at you!
I am so impressed how good our costumes turned out! Cory did a fabulous job on them, stress and all.
Before the crowd got there, we took Baker around to a few of the trunks around us and let her “trick or treat.” We hadn’t really practiced with her but she learned really quickly what to do! At the end of the night, we took her to a few more trunks and she was so cute and polite walking up saying “trick or treat” and then thanking each person. We are so proud of our sweet girl and her awesome manners!
Most of the band dressed up as trolls with us and we had some of the sweetest troll girls around!
This girl had SO much candy while we were handing it all out. At first, I was gonna try to stop her but then I said “forget it, it’s Halloween.” But literally, every time I turned around she had a different piece of candy in her hand.
A cowtail…
Goodness, we just love this girl. Getting to do things like this with her makes life so much fun!
This is the look of one little girl who is jacked up on candy! We honestly thought she would crash on the way home but instead she talked the entire way home, telling us over and over how “pun” the night was. I guess the sugar rush hadn’t worn off yet.
But the next morning was rough on Miss Baker! Somehow she ended up in our bed and she did not want wake up for school the next morning. When that sugar wore off, it hit hard!
Baker really did so well all evening! Every time we asked her to put her wig on for pictures, she politely obliged (which is something I was really worried about) and she even helped us hand out candy to some of the thousands of people that came through our line, without getting cranky or whiny all night. She was such a trooper and we couldn’t be more proud of her. One of the best parts of the night were all the kids that were so excited to see trolls. We had multiple people stop and ask for pictures with us which I know made Cory feel really good about his costume-making skills. Halloween 2018 was one for the books and gonna be hard to beat next year!

One Comment
Rebecca Jo
I cant even with the cuteness that is your family!!!!!