Haaaave you met Amber?
Please tell me you watch How I Met Your Mother and got the reference in the title. Anyone? Anyone at all? I’m sure there is someone out there who likes it is as obsessed with it as me. Anyway, this post isn’t about HIMYM. It’s about this pretty lady, Amber.
Amber goes to church with us but we’ve really gotten to know each other since our community group started a few months back. Have you ever met someone and almost instantly knew y’all were meant to be friends? God knew what he was doing when he put Amber in my life. She offered to keep our dogs one weekend because we were going out of town and our regular dog/house sitter {Cory’s mom} moved to Alabama and I guess you can say the rest is history. She is probably the sweetest person I’ve ever met and her heart is on fire for God. I’m so excited to start 2014 off with her by my side!
Just so happens that her birthday was this past Friday so we headed out to celebrate Saturday night. We were going to get ice cream but they ended up closing early so we headed to the bowling alley instead. We met up with Amber’s best friend Bethany, Bethany’s sister Sarah and her boyfriend Wesley {who all happen to be in our community group}, Bethany’s brother Sean and his girlfriend Mallory and Amber’s younger brother Zeke.
Bethany and Amber.
And she’s got a boyfriend to match.
When I left the house, I was planning on getting ice cream and had boots on. Obviously {by my high water pants and stripped socks} I wasn’t prepared to take my boots off and wear bowling shoes.
Amber and I were probably trying to figure out why were were so bad at bowling.
Victory dance that she got a strike.
Crazy girls.
This, my friends, is the most addicting game known as the quarter game. We spent at least 30 minutes huddled around this machine watching Wesley lose his money.
It got intense.
Girls gotta get ready for every picture.
So thankful I get to do life with these girls.
And this picture is just too much for words. They think they’re funny making fun of us but I gave them fair warning that any picture they took could end up on the blog.