My heart is filled this morning as I scroll through pictures of Cory’s trip to Rwanda last summer. I long to be there and September seems like it’s an eternity away.
It’s a weird feeling to look at these precious faces and feel like I already know them. I’ve heard Cory’s stories time and time again and often find myself speaking about Rwanda as if I’ve been there. How can I feel so strongly for people I’ve never met, in a country I’ve never been to?
Now that we are on the upside of our July fiasco and actively planning a trip in September, it brings tears to my eyes when I think back to that brief few weeks and how broken I felt at the possibility of us not getting to go. I have this desire building up inside of me, loosing myself to the images of these sweet, sweet faces flashing over and over again in my mind and I long to be free .
Free of all this worldly “crap”, if you will. Free of my 9-5, where college kids are so ungrateful of incredible opportunities that are basically handed to them. Free of cliques, pettiness, gossip and drama from people who claim to be followers of Christ {myself included}. Free of laziness, schedules, appointments and constantly answering to other people. I know that is God telling me, not hinting or whispering, but shouting at me that I am called to serve.
Now that I know I’m being called, I struggle with all the worldly “crap” mentioned above and living a normal life. As Christians, we are put on this earth to share the word of the Lord so in the grand scheme of leading others to Christ, what does living a normal life matter? And most importantly, why as a Christian would you want to live a normal life? Why is normal enough?
I know that I will always have to deal with things of this world but in Him, I AM FREE! And that, my friends, is something to be thankful for! I am so blessed to be able to call Him my father and serve Him, whether it be in SC or Rwanda. But I am extremely excited for the opportunity to help these pretties.
This post is linked up with Katie Elizabeth for Thankful Thursday.

Rachel G
Oh, Paige, I can relate so well to this. I don’t really talk about it on the blog for security reasons (though I’d be happy to email!). THe questions over why anyone would want to live a “normal Life” here in the us when my heart is breaking to obey God’s call asap and GO!!…I know the feeling. I bet you can’t wait till September!
Paige Sloan
Girl, email away! Paige@reasonstocomehome.com I’d love to hear how others get through this struggle!
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia
So amazing, that is something to truly be thankful for huh!
Paige Sloan
Top of my list! We are so undeserving of His love.
Beautiful post. I know what you mean. Sometimes ..well all the time we need to step away from the world and re-direct our focus. I hope you guys get to go soon!!
I loved this entry so much! You so elegantly wrote about so many harsh truths that so many of us forget about on a daily basis! Things we complain about or take for granted are really such huge blessings– every. single. day. I just went back and read your post about what happened with your July trip and while that is so frustrating it definitely sounds like God had another idea with his timing & I’m so glad it worked out for you guys to go later on! You are truly doing amazing things & such an inspiration!
Paige Sloan
Thank you so much for your kind words! This post was straight from my heart…not planned or pre-written and I meant every single word. God is doing BIG things on my heart now :)