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Five on Friday

Five on Friday

Happy Friday y’all! Has anyone else been struggling this week? The time change has kicked my tail which is not good because we’ve got a busy, busy weekend. I’m heading to Greenville tonight with the ladies of our church for the Extraordinary Women’s conference and I’m pumped! I’ve heard all these crazy stories from last year and excited to spend tonight and tomorrow with some awesome people.

Five on Friday

 linked with darci, christina, april and natasha

OneGracie stayed with us last weekend and didn’t pack any clothes to wear to dinner that night. Even though she wore my shirt as a dress, I can’t wrap my head around her going through my closet looking for something to wear.



On Saturday, Amber and I were shopping for fabric and when she showed up at the house, we realized we were total twinsies. Great minds think a like, right?



Our church has recently gone mobile and is now meeting in an elementary school which gives us much more room and allows us to save money towards our own building. It’s been such a blessing but has required some curtains to cover up this awful mural on the stage {like dogs faces that give you night mares}. Somehow { Cory not naming any names} we got volunteered to handle covering the windows which turned into the stage. Now this completely fine because I believe as partners of the church you should volunteer your time and talents but the only problem is I don’t sew. I got a sewing machine two Christmas’s ago but let’s be real…the only thing I’ve ever really  “sewn”, my mom did almost all {if not all} the work. So here in lies a problem. How am I going to make curtains to cover a 24′ wall? Thank goodness for Cory’s sweet grandparents, Opal and Doug. Opal has sewn her whole life and has a huge sewing area set up in her basement. I called her up on Monday afternoon, headed over there and Doug had to help cut the fabric because there was so much and by Tuesday evening the curtains were finished. Such a life saver!

Opal and Doug


Would you believe me if I told you we had our own secret language and this isn’t just a series of auto correct #fails? No?

I didn’t think so. Like mother, like daughter. But don’t worry, I totally understood her.



I got to have dinner with this cutie and her pretty mama last night {I’ve got to remember to take pictures of that pretty mama too because she has an awesome new haircut} and can I just point out that we have officially moved our dinner dates to Chick-Fil-A. It’s just much easier to have a conversation if Kaylen can play. Baby’s happy so Mama and Aunt Paige can catch up. Win, win.


And then this happened. She started crying and we realized she was stuck. So naturally, like the responsible adults we are, we giggled about it long enough to get a picture before helping her up. She was even kicking her feet up. I wish I had taken a video of it.



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