Five on Friday
How can it already be March?!?! I’m pretty sure everyone else feels this way but seriously where did February go? The past two weeks have been such a blur. I’m talking absolutely crazy. I promise to share everything that’s been going on when we have a more definite idea but please say a little prayer for our trip to Rwanda. I’m really not sure why this week went by so quickly but you won’t find this chick complaining!
linked with darci, april, christina and natasha.
Day light saving time. It always confuses me and I’ve sat here for the past twenty minutes trying to figure it out. I know we will lose an hour of sleep Saturday night but won’t we get to wake up later from here on out? Either way, I’m extremely excited about it not getting dark at 6:00pm. But seriously, why can’t it happen on Friday afternoon?
Yoga. My mom goes twice a week and has asked me to go with her for awhile now. My yoga pants {all 7 pair} have never actually been to a yoga class but I broke that streak on Tuesday. And I’m pretty sure this was me but at least no one laughed. Out loud.
Thursday nights. Next to the weekend, Thursday is my favorite night because three of my favorite shows come on and they all started back week before last. Can you say heaven? I can. It’s called Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal and Parenthood all in one night. I’m still trying to figure out how this old chick can actually stay up to watch all three and still make it on time to work on Fridays. Any suggestions?
#Shereadstruth. Jenni @ Frankly My Dear talked about #shereadstruth on one of her Wednesdays in the Word link ups and I have really enjoyed it the past couple weeks. The daily devotions are geared towards women and they have different plans that you can chose from. This is honestly the first daily devotional that I’ve found that I’m eager to read each day.
Busy weekends. After this weekend, the rest of March is already booked up for me and Cory. Next weekend, I’m heading to the Extraordinary Women’s Conference with the ladies from our church. I’ve heard so many fun stories from last year and can’t wait to go! The next weekend our church is hosting the Sass, Class and Compassion tour. And I get to meet my first famous blogger, Mandy Hale, in person. I’m. freakin. excited. And the last weekend of March, Cory and I are heading to Gatlinburg to a marriage retreat with my parents and their church. I’m tired just thinking about all this!

ahhh gatlinburg, iam so jealous!!
Paige Sloan
I know! We love Gatlinburg!
Khala @ The Birdie Bowl
OH my goodness YAY for Thursday nights again! I’m sooo happy it’s back! I laughed at your yoga pictures! That would definitely be me too but good for you for going, girl! And I totally hear you on the day light savings time. I was thinking about the same thing this morning…”So…Monday…will it be dark at this time? Or light?” : ) Happy Friday! xo
Paige Sloan
I was definitely feeling it the next day which surprised me, honestly. And I look forward to Thursday night all week! It’s sooo good!
taylor jeavons
Tattered to Taylored
Paige Sloan
I do the same thing because my clock is a “smart clock” or whatever but I bought it before they moved the daylight savings time so it always changes like a week early or a week late. Thank goodness for iPhones! Thanks for stopping by!
Hope @ Hope in a Blog
i want to get back into yoga! love it :)
Paige Sloan
I really did enjoy it! After a crazy day at work, it was very relaxing. Plus, I won’t feel guilty for buying so many pairs of yoga pants.
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
I think springing forward on Friday afternoons would be the best option for everyone. Why didn’t I think of that? YeS… yoga! I absolutely loved it and I need to get back into it and find a place nearby.
Paige Sloan
Wouldn’t it? Especially since they will come around to our office this afternoon and move the clock ahead! I think I will keep going because it was very relaxing and I was pretty sore the next day so it has to be working muscles.
Renee' @ Sassy Wife, Classy Life
Happy friday! I love the yoga picture. Makes me miss yoga! I also love the new hair. I have straight brunette hair too and decided with something similar but more subtle because i always get nervous about color. so fresh for spring. Have a fabulous weekend! :)
Paige Sloan
Haha…the yoga picture cracked me up because that’s how I felt! I wanted to go more drastic but chickened out. I feel ready for spring now!
Lisa lovea john
Laughed so hard for your yoga post!! Love it!
Happy friday, Pretty girl!!
Paige Sloan
Right? That’s exactly how I felt. Praying I didn’t look that bad.
Elise @ Cheers Yall
Girl…how awesome would a spring forward friday be?! That is genius. :)
And yay for she reads truth! I love it too!!!
Happy Weekend, darling! xx
Paige Sloan
The hour Saturday night definitely kicked my tail. Hope you had a great weekend!
Katie Elizabeth
Don’t worry – my yoga pants have never been to yoga either :) And I loooove Parenthood! I wish Joel and Julia would get back together already. Have a good weekend!
Paige Sloan
Glad I’m not alone! And me too! They were one of my favorite couples. Hope you had a great weekend!
Jessi Otey
Soo nice that the sun didn’t go down until after 7pm- big plus for me!! Hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Paige Sloan
I love the extra time in the evenings! I feel like I can get so much more done. Hope you had a great one too!