Five on Friday
Happy Friday, y’all! I’m so sorry the past couple of weeks have been so sporadic on this little space of mine but the kitchen reno has taken over our lives. Every week night and weekend, we’ve been working away at getting it rebuilt. That, and my computer is busted {more on that in a second}.
I’m finally starting to feel better after being sick last weekend but my ear has been stopped up for a week straight now and it’s about to drive me insane! Cory will be out of town this weekend and has left it up to me pick out the lighting for the kitchen so you better believe I’ll be spending some of my time on Pinterest making sure I pick the perfect pendant lights. And I really hope to get caught up on some blogging. I’ve got three or four post in my drafts that I’ve been meaning to finish for weeks, so I’m hoping to knock them out since I certainty won’t be hanging any drywall by myself.
ONE | I’m in desperate need of a new computer. I currently have a Toshiba that I got after I graduated college {six years ago!} and while she’s been a good one, she’s pretty much shot. I shared this picture a few weeks ago when we first started demoing our kitchen but my screen has gotten worse. This is actually the second time I’ve stepped on this computer {I know, I’m pretty rough on electronics} so I know it’s not much to fix the screen but I really don’t want to keep sinking money into it when I could put that money towards a new computer.
So, there in lies the great debate. For probably the past year and a half, I’ve been trying to decide if I want a Macbook or not. Strike that, I definitely want one. I’ve been trying to decide if I want to invest that much money into a computer. I know there are other good computers out there but I think a Macbook would be best for the size of my picture files and the amount I use Photoshop. Is it worth it? What do you use?
This decision probably wouldn’t be so hard if we hadn’t just spent $$$ on cabinets!
TWO | This video just tugs at my heart, ya’ll. Since returning from Rwanda, Cory and I have been praying heavily about adoption. Rwanda isn’t currently accepting new applications but there are days where all I can think about is bringing one {or more…who knows!} of the children from Rwanda home. Most African countries, if not all, require you to come meet your child, leave without them and return in a couple of months to finish the process. When I heard this song, I just sat there in tears at the thought of meeting and falling in love with a child {because I know I would. Immediately} and have to leave them there for six or so more months. It put this song into a whole different perspective for me, even though I’ve heard it a hundred times before.
THREE | A few weeks ago, Amy at the farmer’s wife posted about an app called Crazy Heliumbooth Free so last night, while at my parents for dinner, we downloaded it and oh my gosh! We must have spent at least an hour making funny videos and laughed until we cried.
Obviously, we are easily entertained but if you are bored this weekend, download this app and I promise you’ll be laughing as hard as we did.
FOUR | Yesterday was the boys 19th birthday. Where in the world has the time gone?? We are so proud of them and everything they have accomplished, especially over the last six months. We can’t wait to see where God leads them in this next stage of their lives. Happy birthday, baby brothers!

FIVE | Four is all I got for ya today. When your life has been revolving around 2 x 4’s and nails, there isn’t much to share. Hopefully, I’ll have more progress to share next week.
What are your plans for the weekend? Anything fun?
I’m linking up with all kinds of fun ladies today {darci, karli, amanda, tif, andrea} and you should too!

Biana @Blovedboston
I have been using the new touch screen dell computer for the past two months and I LOVE IT!! it’s amazing!! Happy Friday! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Sam @ Away She Went
I hope your ears clear up soon! Ear aches are the worst! Do you read The Lettered Cottage? They are in the process of adopting a child from Haiti and it’s been over 2 years since they started the process.They finally got to meet their son a couple months ago, but they said it might be another year before they can bring him home. Just following their story breaks my heart, I can’t imagine dealing with the wait myself.
I loveeee sam smith!! great song! crazy helium booth is such a fun app – my friends and i used to communicate via silly videos lol
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
First off, glad you’re starting to feel better!
I bought my first Macbook last January and I absolutely love it so I would say it is worth the investment.
I had no idea how grueling the adoption process was for Africa, that would be so hard to meet a child, fall in love with them and then have to wait months for everything to go through.
On a lighter note, I’ll have to take a look at that app, it sounds hilarious and happy late birthday to your bros! Hope y’all have a great weekend!
Katelyn @ Real Housewife of Greenville
I’m so glad to hear your kitchen reno is coming right along. I can’t wait to see it all finished and I’m sure you’ll choose the perfect lights! Girl you are in definite need of a new computer. I have a MacBook Air and I absolutely love it. Hope your weekend is going swimmingly :)
Rachel G
Our computers started giving us a bunch of trouble the week we moved last year–don’t computers always have the best timing with their problems? I’ve somewhat considered going for a mac next time, but they are so much more expensive than PCs that it would be Hard to make that choice. When I do get another laptop (i’m hoping for at least one more year out of this one)…at the moment I’m leaning towards just getting a fairly inexpensive one since our moving/movable lifestyle in hot, humid climates isn’t the best for any kind of computer.
after being a pc user pretty much my entire computer existence, i finally got a macbook and no regrets at all. i love it. i’ll never go back.
exciting that your kitchen is progressing! yay!
xo welltraveledwife.com