Five on Friday & a Nutribullet Giveaway!
How is it already Friday, y’all? This week has flown by but I don’t hate it. Not to wish time away but the next three weeks will be craaazy for me at work because of graduation and I hope they aren’t too rough on me. I’m going to try to get a lot of blogging done this weekend so I don’t fall behind over the next three weeks but we’ll so how that goes. Also, Cory’s granny is having surgery on Monday so if you don’t mind, would you say a little prayer for her? We’d really appreciate it :)
linked with darci, christina, april and natasha
When I got home from Conway on Saturday, this was sitting on my table. I’ve had this old window for almost two years and wanted to finish my idea forever. When I ordered my dress for a wedding I’m in this summer, I got a gift card to Shutterfly and knew exactly what I wanted to use it on. I order the print a few weeks ago and Cory surprised me and finished it for me while I was gone. I can’t wait to hang it up!
Snuggles with his Daddy. Melts my heart.
When you live in a small town like I do and you happened to have cheered for a university like Clemson, you get asked to judge cheer tryouts. And you know what? I love it!!! I miss cheering so bad {it was only a huge part of my life for 10 years} and I really enjoy being back around it. I’d really love to coach a middle or high school team but my work schedule just really doesn’t allow it so I’ll take what I can get and judge! And I just realized the typo in my tweet…oops!
You guys, I’ve never won anything. Nothing at all until I entered the giveaway from Jenni @ Frankly My Dear for an iPhone case by Sticky 9. It came in yesterday and I absolutely adore seeing my favorite Instagram photos covering my phone!
Every time I think about last weekend, I just can’t help but smile. You know it’s a good weekend when you are still thinking about it a week later, right? I don’t get much time with some of my family, so every second I get with them is extra special.
I’m teaming up with Maeg and some awesome ladies to giveaway a Nutribullet and a $30 Target gift card! I’m pretty jealous that I can’t enter myself because this would make my life so much easier when it comes to making my smoothies in the morning. The red one would look perfect in my kitchen {hint, hint for anyone looking for gift ideas}. You can enter below!

Rachel G
I love what you did with the antique window! I have a very similar window with six panes, but I just put in six little pictures–one big pictures is a great idea!
Paige Sloan
Thank you, sweet friend! I’ve seen that idea too and loved it! I’m thinking about getting another one to do something like that :)
Brenda @ Chatting Over Chocolate
How sweet of your hubby to complete and surprise you with that!! It turned out so cute!! Congrats on the win! That case is so fun!! Hooray for family time!! Super cute snapshot :) Have a fantastic weekend!
Paige Sloan
It was such a sweet surprise! And I love my new case but not as much as I love family time! Hope you have a great weekend, sweet friend!
Hope @ hope in a blog
Love weekends with family…simply the best! happy friday, hun. xx.
Paige Sloan
You can’t beat weekends like that! Hope you have a great one, love!
mia @ makemeupmia
That picture window is amazing. Yay for the giveaway! Daddy + puppy snuggles are the sweetest. ANd go girl, congrats on winning. Happy Friday :)
Paige Sloan
Thank you girl! So excited for the giveaway and for finally winning something! Hampton gives the best puppy snuggles! Hope you have a great weekend, pretty girl!
Jessi Otey
eeee I miss cheering too and love being from a small town for that aspect!! Good luck!! Also, I have lots of those old windows in our new attic all shabby chic like- did you have to order a specific print or just a large one that the panes would go over nicely? Love it!!
Paige Sloan
Thanks girl! I ordered the closest size to the window pane which was a 16 x 20 because the next size up was too wide and Cory had the matte cut to fill in the rest. I did have to make sure that my picture file was good enough quality to print that large though! Use though windows, girl!
Love your phone case.. too cute!!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! I’m so excited I finally won something!
Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country
Umm.. I love the window picture, and just may have to copy you, it is so cute! And judging cheer tryouts sounds like so much fun! I hope your weekend was as good as last week’s!
Paige Sloan
Go for it girl! I found the idea on Pinterest but it had a wedding photo in it. I always have fun judging but the girls were just babies! Hope you have a fabulous weekend, love!
Chesson @ A Southern Twenty-Five
Stopping by from the link up… hi from a fellow Clemson girl! I love that window picture frame. Hope you have a great weekend!
Paige Sloan
You’re a Clemson girl too?!?! I haven’t met any one else in blogland that is! So cool! And thank you! I think Cory did such a great job. Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Biana Perez
i love the print in the window pane idea – so neat!! great giveaway!! hope you have an awesome weekend!
Paige Sloan
Thanks girl! I found the idea on Pinterest {of course} but when I saw that particular picture, I knew it was the one I wanted to use! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, too!
That iphone case is so cool!! I would also love to win that nutribullet!
Amanda || Happily ever after
Paige Sloan
Isn’t it awesome? I love it! Me too, girl! I’m gonna have to by myself one!
I love love love the window photo frame!! It looks amazing!! Entered the giveawAy! Hoping i win! Lol
Paige Sloan
Thank you, friend! Cory did a great job! Yay! Hope you win too!
Rebecca Jo
That frame is ADORABLE!!!!!
Love the giveaway – I’m a nutribullet uber-fan!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! Since I can’t enter to win, I will be buying one! I’ve actually had my eye on one for a good while now.
LOVE that frame!
Paige Sloan
Thank you! Didn’t he do a fabulous job?
will say a prayer for Corys grandmother! that is the cutest pic of yall !! I love the window frame. I did not know you cheered for Clemson!! That is too cool :)
Paige Sloan
Thanks so much, sweet friend! It’s one of my all-time favorites of my little family. And yeah I did! Feels like an eternity ago now though.
amanda elizabeth
Yeah congratulations on winning a giveaway i never win but that doesn’t stop me from trying! just like i’m about to do right now with yours ;-) thanks so much for linking up! xoxoxo
Paige Sloan
That’s the first time I’ve ever won. EVER. I was so excited! Thanks for hosting the link-up. I just love your blog :) Enter away, girl!
Elena Ridley
Paige Sloan
Thanks for stopping by! Did my hubs do a great job on the window? I’m in love with it! Hope you had a great weekend, lovely!
Oh my! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that window frame picture! So cute! :)
Paige Sloan
Thanks, love! Hope you had a great weekend :)
Red <3 – I love you Paige and love your creativity my friend!!
Paige Sloan
Love you too, girl!
that phone case is awesome! congrats on winning :) i always wanted to be a cheerleader, but we dont have them at home :( have fun judging!
Paige Sloan
I was so excited to finally win something and on top of that, it was something cool! Hope you had a great weekend, lovely!
Katie Elizabeth
Ahhh I love the window! That picture is so sweet! Congrats on your giveaway win.. I’m in the same boat with never seeming in win anything but maybe I’ll have some better luck in your giveaway :) Thanks for hosting! Hope you guys had a great weekend!
Paige Sloan
I’m in love with that window. I just want to stare at it because my boys are all so handsome in it! I’m just glad the first thing I won was something cool and useful. Good luck and I hope y’all had a great weekend, lovely!