Five on Friday
It’s been a weird week…busy at work and my evenings have flown by but I feel like I haven’t gotten any work done. I’ve felt extremely behind all week because well, I am extremely behind. I’ve let my daily Bible reading slip and the trashbag in the trash can has been full for 3 days now but have I taken it out? Nope. When Cory works nights all this “stuff” defaults to me and sometimes it gets to be too much and I start feeling overwhelmed. I keep reminding myself that the trash will still be there when I get home {unless a certain hubby takes it out in the morning}. It’s all good though because it’s Friday and I will have the weekend to take the trash out get caught up on everything.
linked with darci, april, christina, and natasha
Cory’s schedule got switched around and now he doesn’t have to work this weekend! Heck yeah! I haven’t seen him for more than 5 minutes at a time since Monday and I’m more than ready to get to stare at his face for a while and have a full conversation with him.
Since we now have most of Saturday free, I think we will make a trip to Atlanta to visit Ikea. I’ve never been {shocker, I know} and I’ve been dying to go for at least 6 months. Atlanta has the closest store and it’s right at a two hour drive so I hope I won’t be disappointed. I’m in search of a new comforter and I want to check out their desk/book shelves for my craft room. Any tips to make the trip go smooth?
I posted about the Urban Decay 24/7 concealer on my last weekend recap but I’ve got to mention it again. I’m really enjoying the coverage that it provides and I was worried about the texture of it since it is a pencil but it’s a very smooth concealer. I do think that I may have bought it a shade too dark since my skin is so ghostly pale right now. I will have to keep using it to see if it’s just my skin acting up {which it does every once in awhile} or if I need a lighter a shade. Either way, I can use this shade once the sun decides to visit SC again and I get some some color back on my skin.
On Wednesday I was sitting at work when my phone buzzed and I had this picture of the boys with caption “chillin” {please ignore our weeds}. About 20 minutes later, my work phone rang and I picked it up to Cory telling me how much trouble the dogs where in. Oh lord, I thought. What have they done now?
To give you a little history…we use a wireless containment system for our dogs. We plug it up, put the collars on them and they stay in the yard. About a year ago, one of the collars broke and we never replaced it. We’ve had to rotate the collar on them every once in awhile but for the most part, they’ve stayed in the yard. Until the past couple weeks. I’d like to tell you that my dogs are so well behaved that they come when you call them but that’s not the case. They pretty much just look at you and take off running the other way, unless you offer them a treat.
Anyway, Cory calls to tell me that shortly after snapping this picture he went into his shop {notice neither of them have the collar on} and when he came “right” back out, they were no where to be found. In the past when they’ve done this, they’re right across the street but he called and called for them and didn’t see them anywhere. The only thing he could think to do was get in his truck and drive around our neighborhood three times before he found them. I have no clue how they got so far so quickly but they did. Once they saw Cory’s truck, he asked them if they wanted to go for a ride and of course, they fell for it.
Cory often threatens he is going to sell them on Craigslist {don’t worry that would never happen} and this was probably the closest he has come to getting rid of them. Stuff like this just flies all over him. So as he is telling me this, all I can think about was “Well, did you put the collar on them?” Of course not! They escaped the first chance he turned his back. The funniest part about this whole story was Cory saying “Do you know how freaked out I was when they were lost? I had nine kinds of strokes thinking I was going to have to call you and tell you I lost your dogs.” At least it made it me giggle and the dogs had fun while on their mini adventure.
Lately, it has been weighing heavily on my mind that I’m not very romantic when it comes to holidays and celebrating Cory. He always does such a good job of making me feel celebrated on days like Valentine’s or our anniversary but what do I ever do for him? I think it is important for him to feel the love too. Valentine’s day isn’t just for girls, right?
So I decided to do the 14 days of Valentine’s except I got a late start so it only worked out to be 10 days. It’s the point of actually doing it, though. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you may have already seen my first couple days but I wanted to share them on here. Since Cory does read my blog, I can’t post the rest but will share them all after Valentine’s day.

I havent been tO ikea either!! Have fun! Love the Thoughtful gifts leading up to vday- might dO the week oF!! Great idea
Paige Sloan
Oh, you should! My husband told me it was the sweetest thing I had ever done for him :) I’m so excited to go so I’m sure I’ll blog about my first trip!
Heather H
Those “14 days of valentines” are so cute!!! Great idea!
Paige Sloan
Thank you but I found most of them on Pinterest. There were so many good ideas out there, it wAs hard to narrow it down.
I love the “10 days of valentine’s” idea. That story of your dogs is so cute! I also have never been to Ikea and we have one store like 30 minutes away. Maybe one day…
Paige Sloan
Thank you! My husband has really enjoyed getting a little something special each day. I can’t believe I’ve waited so long to go! It was awesome and I can’t wait to go back.
What a cute Valentine idea! Also- never been to Ikea either! I’m not even sure there is one close to me. Let us know how it goes!