Five on Friday
The best part of my week was definitely the snow. I’m like a kid again when they call for snow and this past week, I wasn’t disappointed. It started on Tuesday afternoon so we got to go home early from work and shortly after getting home, my front yard was covered. I’m not sure how anyone can see something as beautiful as a fresh blanket of fluffy white snow and not believe it God. His creations are perfect and wonderful.
Because of the snow, I got to spend a day and a half at home. If you know me or you follow my blog, you know that I enjoy nothing more than staying at home in my pj’s. Since Cory switched to night shift, I got some good snuggling time in with two of my favorite boys.
I’ve mentioned a few times over the past month that 2014 is going to be a big year for the Sloans. I can finally announce that Cory will be the new director for a nonprofit ministry called Barnabas X. If it sounds familiar it’s because it was founded by his friend Nick and is the group he traveled to Rwanda with last summer. The mission statement of Barnabas X is “a non-profit ministry dedicated to eradicating loneliness in missionaries and pastors, providing support and encouragement to those in the field who feel isolated due to location, situation, or the pressures of their position. This can take the form of trips to work alongside full-time missionaries in the field, prayer and moral support for all those engaged in Christ’s work domestically and abroad, financial support through gifts and fundraising, or just a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. We believe that the Lord uses us to remind His workers that they are not forgotten, they are not alone, and they are loved.” We are both very excited for Cory to step into this position and continue to build this ministry from the wonderful foundation that Nick laid. For the past year and a half, Cory has felt called but didn’t know what to. He has prayed that God would show him where he is supposed to be and feels like Barnabas X is an answer to his prayers.
For the past couple weeks, Cory and Nick have been sorting out all the details of Cory taking over as director. During this time, Cory has been working religiously on updating the blog for Barnabas X. It was a long process for him because not only did he switch it from Blogger to WordPress but he also switched host so that all our blogs were under the same account. Can you say headache? The new and improved blog is now live and you can check it out at barnabasx.org. Check it out and leave him some love to let him know how good it looks!
I’ll just stay on the topics of missions and share that I will be making the trip to Rwanda with Cory this year. I really wanted to go last year but was unable because of work but I’ve already been approved to have the time off for this year. In five months, Lord willing, we will both be in Rwanda loving on some of these sweet faces. Cory and I have been so blessed to have this opportunity to not only travel to Rwanda but to be a part of such a wonderful ministry like Barnabas X.

Rachel G
Wow–you guys have some big changes and exciting things going on this year! THe ministry of that nonprofit is one that is dear to my heart–it’s a very powerful thing when those who aren’t missionaries themselves do what they can to help support those on the Field in whatever way is needed.
Paige Sloan
Thank you so much for your sweet words. We are so excited to see where God takes us and Barnabas X in 2014.
Katie Elizabeth
Yay for your husbands new job! Congratulations! Such an exciting time for you guys :) Have a great weekend and stay warm!