Family Pregnancy Announcements
Happy Tuesday, y’all! First, I want to say a huge, huge thanks for all the congratulation texts and messages on Facebook that we received. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends (in real life and in blogging)! We had a snowed-in weekend so there’s not much to share on that front. But what I’ve been dying to share is how we announced our pregnancy to our families! We kept our pregnancy a secret from everyone, including our family, for well over a month. Talk about the hardest kept secret ever!
But we came up with unique ways to tell the people that mean the most to us and each of their responses were perfect in their own ways! It was such a relief to finally let all of our family in on our secret so we could talk about it with someone other than each other!
We were able to film most of our pregnancy announcements to our families and Cory put together a short video of it all!
I loved, loved, loved sharing this news with everyone and I hope you enjoyed it too! Check back tomorrow for all the details on my first trimester.

Even ThoUgh Jarrod & I knew about little hot pie before you maDe social media aware i didnt think i would be enotional. i shed a few tears when you posted it on FB and Now i watcHed that and cried like a little baby! Congratulations, i loved the vIdeo!
Im not sure why the Spelling is wrong and Some are upper case and lowercase :(
melinda enyeart
This is the sweetest video! I have known Darla all my life, so therefore know all the kids as well!! so proud of you cory and paige. what a lucky little “hot pie”!!!
Rebecca Jo
I so loved this… I get so teary eyed at these things.
I love the reaction time of people :)
I am always on the ball when it comes to figuring these things out … haha Julie says I ruin it every time because I know it before she gets the full sentence out :) …
Your sister :) haha
My favorite is the picture & Cory yelling, “paige is pregnant” I love that woman’s reaction of just a scream & making the baby cry :) haha!!!
this is so awesome! congrats girl!
Katie Elizabeth
Cue all the tears! This was so sweet and I love that you have this to watch for FOREVER! Still so excited for you guys!!
this is so unbelievably sweet girl! and go you for keeping it a secret, i’m really not sure i could haha
Lisa Loves John
Shed a few tears watching this, Paige! I Am so, so happy for you – and what a fun movie to remember forever!